재산세 조회, 납부방법 및 납부시기 Property tax inquiry, payment method and payment period

Property Tax Inquiry
With our property tax inquiry service, you can easily check online how much you owe in July and September.

재산세 조회

재산세 조회

Basically, a bill is sent, but you may not be able to check it or forget to check it because you are busy. You must be careful because additional taxes will be imposed if you do not pay property tax on time.

In this article, we have summarized the property tax inquiry method, payment period, payment method, etc., so please check if you are subject to the property tax levy criteria for land, buildings, houses, etc.

Table of Contents
Property Tax Inquiry
What is property tax?
Imposition standards and tax base
Tax rate paid
Property tax payment period
How to check property tax
Local tax refund inquiry
Find out more
What is property tax?
It is a tax imposed on people who own property such as houses, buildings, land, ships, and aircraft. It is a local tax. There are differences in the tax base, tax rate, and payment period depending on the type of property held, so it is necessary to check carefully and pay on time. There is.

Imposition standards and tax base
The tax base date for payment obligations is June 1 every year, and property tax must be paid by those who hold ownership on the base date as shown in the register copy.

The tax base is ‘standard market value * fair market value ratio’, which is ‘publicly announced land price * area * 70%’ for land, ‘announced housing price * 60%’ for houses, and ‘standard market value * 70%’ for buildings. .

In addition, the standard market price applies to ships and aircraft. For reference, the standard market price refers to the price announced on April 30 every year. If there is no publicly announced price, the price calculated by the head of the local government is used.

The de facto owner of the property as of June 1st (tax base date) every year
Tax base – Land: Officially announced land price*area*70%
– Housing: Publicly announced housing price*60%
– Building: Standard market value*70%
– Ships/aircraft: Standard market value
Tax rate paid
Tax rates are applied differently depending on the type of property held, building, tax base, etc. Please refer to the photo below.

local tax rate
Property tax payment period
The property tax payment period is divided into July and September each year depending on the type of property, and if the deadline is exceeded, an additional tax of 3% is imposed from the last day.

For reference, in order to prevent large amounts from being taxed on houses at once, the payment period is divided into 1st and 2nd periods, with 50% levied on each. However, if the first term payment is 200,000 won, it must be paid in one lump sum without installments.

If the amount to be paid exceeds 5 million won, installment payment can be made within 2 months from the payment due date.

Land Every year from 9.16 to 9.30
Buildings Every year from 7.16 to 7.31
Housing Phase 1: From July 16 to July 31 each year
Term 2: Every year from 9.16 to 9.30
Ships and aircraft: From July 16 to July 31 every year
How to check property tax
The property tax inquiry service can be easily accessed through the website and mobile app of ‘Wetax’, a local tax online payment system.

You can search for details by period, payment date, local government, etc., and if there is a tax amount to pay from the search results, you can select the amount or electronic payment number and proceed with payment right away.

Please note that cancellation of payment is not possible even if double payment occurs, so if multiple people pay at the same time, please check carefully to make sure there is no overlap before proceeding.

How to check property tax
Homepage access
Access the Witax homepage through the link above or search.
Property Tax Inquiry
Local tax payment
Select ‘Local Tax Payment’ from the menu at the bottom of the homepage.
Witax local tax
log in
Log in using the certificate you are using.
Witax local tax
History inquiry and payment
Search by selecting the search period, jurisdiction, etc. If there is tax to pay in the results, you can proceed with payment.
Witax local tax payment
If double payment has been made, you must file a request for correction. This can be done through ‘Witax>Report>Modify/Correction>Correction Request’ and requires submission of a copy of the report and materials proving the reason.

However, this can only be done if reported through Wi-Tax, but reports applicable to Seoul City are not possible. In this case, please contact the Seoul City Tax Department or ETAX.

Local tax refund inquiry
Local tax refunds are generated due to double payment or erroneous imposition. You can check and request a refund through Witax, and the refund will be deposited immediately after confirmation.

To inquire, go to ‘WiTax > Refund Application > Refund Inquiry/Application > Local Tax’. However, please note that if the inquiry results show ‘Y’ for collection and delinquency, you cannot apply for a refund.

I paid my property tax in July, do I have to pay it again in September?
In the case of residential property tax, it is divided into the first quarter (July) and the second quarter (September), and half is paid quarterly. However, if the tax amount for the first period is 200,000 won or less, it is paid in a lump sum in the first period.

I paid property tax twice. What should I do to get it back?
Double payment of property tax cannot be cancelled. In this case, you must file a request for correction, which can be done through ‘Report > Modify/Correct > Request for Rectification’ within Witax.

Can my family or others check my property tax?
Since property tax payment details are personal information, others cannot view them electronically.