무인 아이스크림 창업비용 Costs and expected profits of opening an unmanned ice cream discount store

무인 아이스크림 창업비용In the case of a franchise, considering franchise fees, training fees, interior design, signage, kiosks, CCTV, electrical expansion, initial product costs, etc., an investment cost of approximately 30 million won is required. Store rental costs are excluded. If you do not spend money on interior design and use cheap signs, the initial start-up cost can be lowered to 20 million won. In particular, ice cream discount stores do not require special interior design and can be used in their original state or simply finished with paint.

The margin for unmanned ice cream is about 30%. If you sell 300,000 won in daily sales, your monthly sales will be 9 million won and your sales profit will be 2.7 million won. Here, the amount excluding rent, management fees, etc. is the net profit. Therefore, it is greatly affected by the size of the monthly rent. The monthly sales revealed in P Franchise’s information disclosure statement are 8 million won. Therefore, this means that some stores sell more than 8 million won, and some stores sell less than 8 million won. If I choose a good location and start a business, 900 per month is a goal that I can easily achieve. Additionally, ice cream discount store sales are greatly affected by the season. You must fully prepare for/anticipate that there will be no sales in the winter before starting a business.

If you start a business through a franchise company, you have the advantage of receiving commercial analysis support from the company. The best locations are near shops or schools within the apartment complex. Since the main customers of ice cream are children, the optimal location for an ice cream specialty store is near apartment complexes and schools, which have many teenagers and families. Of course, if you open a business in a busy area with a lot of traffic, you will have a lot of customers, but it will be difficult to cover the extremely high monthly rent by selling 400 won ice cream. Generally, monthly rent is less than 1 million won. If you are in the best position, it is okay to start a business with less than 1.4 million won.

Unmanned operation means that there is no need for people to operate 24 hours a day, but it does not mean that there is no need for management at all. The owner must go to the store once a day to clean and manage the store. When delivering ice cream, Yeongwon Temple personally comes and puts it in the freezer. However, they won’t display them neatly like in their own store, right? From the perspective of Eternal Temple, you have to do everything quickly and move on to the next store, so in the end, the owner has to personally come and do the final display.
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