국세청 환급 Tax Talk – Easy and simple tax work

국세청 환급
Today, we will guide you on how to report the opening of a Hometax account.

1. Report on opening a refund account

If you pay more tax than you owe, you will receive a tax refund called a national tax refund.
​Usually, refunds are issued for excessive interim prepayment of income tax or corporate tax, estimated value-added tax, or excessive input tax.

Refunds for general small amounts are made by entering the refund account on the report, but for refunds over 50 million won, you must report a refund account separately to receive a refund.
​Until 2020, the standard for reporting refund accounts was 20 million won, but from 2021, it was increased to 50 million won.

2. How to report account opening

You can report account opening through the National Tax Service’s Home Tax service or by submitting a report to the tax office.

① Application for submission of report
You will need to fill out an account opening report and submit it to the tax office with a copy of your bankbook and a copy of your ID card.

② Apply for National Tax Service home tax
In addition to visiting the tax office, you can apply through the Home Tax website. A tax agent cannot apply on your behalf; you can only apply directly in the name of the taxpayer.

To apply, log in to the Home Tax website with your taxpayer certificate, etc. and then check/issue at the top.
-> You can do this on the refund account opening report.
Refunds such as value-added tax paid using business registration numbers can be reported by opening an account after selecting the business location, so please refer to this section.

국세청 환급
