우리은행 계좌번호 찾기 Contact an expert to find Woori Bank account number

How to find Woori Bank account number by contacting an expert (detailed guide)
What if you can’t find your account number even after trying various methods? Do not worry! You can find your account number quickly and accurately by contacting an expert.

1. Woori Bank Customer Center

the most basic way
Chat: Woori Bank website or mobile app 우리은행 계좌번호 찾기
KakaoTalk: Woori Bank KakaoTalk Channel
Proceed with the identity verification process:

우리은행 계좌번호 찾기
Resident registration number, contract phone number, recent transaction history, etc.
Account number can be confirmed when accurate information is provided
Ask the agent to find your account number 이베이스매뉴얼
The agent confirms and provides account number information.
Account information can be printed or memorized
2. Visit Woori Bank branch

Direct help from expert staff available
Please bring your identity verification documents:
Resident registration card (required)
Driver’s license, passport, health insurance card, etc. (resident registration card and 1 other document)
Issuing a waiting number at the ticket machine:
Select ‘Account/Card’ > ‘Find Account Number’ menu
Wait for guidance after issuing a waiting number
Instructions to responsible personnel:
After calling the waiting number, inform the staff in charge
Request to find account number
Proceed with the identity verification process:
Present identity verification documents
Provide additional information (name used in deposit agreement, date of birth, etc.)
Account number confirmation and guidance:
The staff in charge will inform you after checking the account number.
Account information can be printed or memorized
3. Financial Supervisory Service

Assistance can be requested in the event of unfair behavior by a financial institution.
Online report: Financial Supervisory Service website
Call to report: 1332
Visit report: Financial Supervisory Service head office or branch
Report details:
Details of unfair practices by financial institutions (e.g. refusal to confirm account number)
Damage (e.g. wasted time, inconvenience)
Evidence (can be helpful if you have it)
Financial Supervisory Service investigation and notification of results:
Financial Supervisory Service investigates the report
Notification of investigation results to reporter
Financial institutions can be ordered to take action
4. Legal expert

Assistance can be requested in the event of a legal dispute with a financial institution.
Consult a lawyer or law firm:
Legal advice on account number confirmation
Finding ways to resolve disputes with financial institutions
Assistance with legal proceedings
Costs may apply:
Costs incurred when using consulting and legal services
Need to check cost in advance
Before contacting an expert

Prepare as much information as you have (e.g. deposit type, branch code, recent transaction history).
It’s a good idea to try every possible method to find your account number.
Be aware that inquiries to experts may incur time and costs.
Find your Woori Bank account number quickly and accurately with the help of various experts!
