신용정보조회서 발급 Required for new employees! How to issue a credit information inquiry before getting a job

Credit information at a glance! Summary of how to issue an inquiry form
1. What is a credit information inquiry?

A credit information inquiry is a document containing information that records and evaluates an individual’s financial transaction history. This affects a variety of financial activities, including taking out loans, issuing credit cards, and using rental services.

2. How to issue a credit information inquiry 신용정보조회서 발급

2.1 Online issuance

신용정보조회서 발급

Access the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) site of the Financial Services Commission ([invalid URL deleted])
Joint certificate (formerly public certificate) login 이베이스매뉴얼
Apply for credit information inquiry
Fee payment (1,000 won)
Issuance of inquiry form
2.2 In-person issuance

Visit the nearest branch of the Financial Supervisory Service or the Financial Consumer Information Portal Center
Submit identity verification documents (resident registration card, driver’s license, etc.)
Fill out the application form
Fee payment (1,000 won)
Issuance of inquiry form
2.3 Issuance of mobile phone

Installation of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) app of the Financial Supervisory Service
Joint certificate (formerly public certificate) login
Apply for credit information inquiry
Fee payment (1,000 won)
Issuance of inquiry form
3. Documents required when issuing a credit information inquiry

Identity verification documents (resident registration card, driver’s license, etc.)
Fee (1,000 won)
4. How to use credit information inquiry form

Check your credit status: You can check your credit status by checking payment history, debt utilization ratio, credit period, etc.
Establish a credit management strategy: You can create a specific plan to improve your credit score.
Financial product selection and negotiation: When selecting financial products such as loans and credit cards, you can negotiate more favorable terms based on your credit information.
Financial Fraud Prevention: You can prevent financial fraud by checking to see if there are any financial transactions that are not in your name.
5. Precautions

Your credit information inquiry cannot be viewed by others without your consent.
You must be mindful of protecting your personal credit information and be careful of fraud damage.
7. Additional information

Credit information inquiry is available twice a year for free.
The Financial Consumer Information Portal Center of the Financial Supervisory Service provides credit information management training.
8. Conclusion

Credit information is an important indicator of an individual’s financial reliability. It is important to understand and manage your credit status through regular credit information inquiries.