학교문화 책임규약 알아보기 Learn about the school culture responsibility code

Things change starting from the new semester

I would like to introduce the school violence system.

학교문화 책임규약

학교문화 책임규약

As we take school violence seriously,

We deal with it strictly.

Strengthening records and management of new birth records

Measures taken by the offending student in the student record

Extension of retention period

Strengthening the requirements for deliberation and deletion

Up to 2 years → Up to 4 years

∨ Check whether the victim agrees

∨ Check whether administrative trial/lawsuit is in progress

Expansion of reflection of measures taken in college admissions

In addition to the student records-centered selection process,

Selection based on CSAT, essay writing, and practical skills/performance is also reflected.

※ Voluntary reflection for university admission in 2025, mandatory reflection starting from university admission in 2026

Focusing on victim students

Strengthening protective measures

Extension of immediate separation period

Strengthening emergency measures by school principals

Up to 3 days → Up to 7 days

Emergency measures for offenders

Add ‘class change’

Establishment of right to request separation of affected students

Guarantee the victim’s right to speak out

Request from victimized student → Deliberation by dedicated organization →

Suspension of attendance or change of class → Separation of students

In administrative trials and lawsuits filed by the offending student,

Obligation to listen to victims’ opinions

About the unit school

Reinforced ability to respond to school violence

Operation of Zero School Violence Center

Strengthening the educational coordination function of schools

All educational support offices nationwide

At the Zero School Violence Center

Integrated support

School principal self-resolved

Increased range

∨ School violence case investigation

∨ Support for damage recovery and relationship improvement

∨ Legal advice to victims, etc.

Protection of teaching rights and

Improving conditions for responsible teachers

School – Student – Parent

Operation of school culture responsibility regulations

School violence case investigation

A dedicated school violence investigator is in charge.

Securing expertise and fairness

To confirm the fact of school violence

A dedicated school violence investigator appointed and commissioned by the Superintendent of Education

Conduct case investigation

Strengthening the educational coordination function of schools

Protection of victim students

Damage – Offender student

improve relationships

Student life guidance

School culture responsibility code

We promise a violence-free school culture

What is the School Culture Responsibility Code?

Students, teachers, parents, etc.

All school members must take action against school violence.

Confirm contents and responsibilities,

To create a violence-free school culture

Rules to practice and promise

How to practice

How to participate

Preparation: Building consensus ▶ Planning: Establishing an operation plan

▶ Implementation: Collection of member opinions ▶ Feedback: Disclosure of regulations

By school, grade, and class

In connection with events and educational activities

Participate in the form of a signature campaign

We learned about the changing school violence system.

As school violence is treated more seriously,

By adding and supplementing various systems,

It seems like many efforts are being made to eradicate school violence.
[Source] This is how the school violence system changes Daegu School Violence Review and Counseling Center Sympathy | Author School Violence Committee Counseling Center Sympathy