광주은행 고객센터 및 전화번호 Gwangju Bank customer center and phone number

If you have any questions or problems that cannot be resolved while using Gwangju Bank, please contact the customer center. Additionally, for offline use, branches and sales offices are also used. Today, I will leave information related to Gwangju Bank’s customer service center phone number and branch location, currency exchange, foreign currency remittance, etc. below.

광주은행 고객센터

광주은행 고객센터

Hide table of contents
1 Gwangju Bank
2 Find Gwangju Bank branch location
3 Go to Gwangju Bank currency exchange application
4 Gwangju Bank Customer Center Phone Number
5 Gwangju Bank ARS speed dial number information
6 Gwangju Bank chat consultation information
7 Gwangju Bank Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions


Gwangju Bank
It is a local bank under JB Financial Group. It was established and operated in 2014. The main products are as follows.

Deposits and withdrawals: Parking account, Ikium account, savings account, My account, Burning youth account, etc.
Savings: iKeum Savings, Telepathy Savings, Namdo Tour Savings, Travel Sketch Savings, etc.
Term deposit: Good Start deposit, SmartMoadream term deposit, The Plus deposit
Loans: Credit loans, housing loans, etc.
Card: credit card, check card, local currency, multi-child happiness card
irp: retirement pension individual irp
Foreign currency: foreign currency savings, foreign currency time deposit, etc.
Find Gwangju Bank branch location

If you plan to visit a Gwangju Bank branch, you should first find a branch near you. On the page below, you can check the business hours, location, map, phone number, fax number, transportation, etc. of the branch you wish to visit. In addition, numbered tickets can be issued at each branch, so it would be a good idea to issue numbered tickets in advance before visiting and then visit the waiting number.

Before visiting, please check whether overseas remittance (foreign currency remittance) is possible and whether exchange is possible for each currency before visiting.

📌 Find Gwangju Bank branch and branch locations (direct link)

📌 Find the location of Gwangju Bank automated machine and ATM (direct link)



Go to Gwangju Bank currency exchange application
If you are a Gwangju Bank customer, you can apply for currency exchange through your bank account and receive foreign currency at the application branch.

After the currency exchange is completed, it is not possible to cancel the exchange or change the receiving branch.

The procedure for use is as follows, and the shortcut to apply for currency exchange is provided below.

Identity verification
Currency exchange request
Check application information
electronic signature

📌 Go to Gwangju Bank currency exchange application (click to see preferential exchange rates)


Gwangju Bank Customer Center Phone Number
If you use Gwangju Bank services or have any questions or inconveniences, please call the customer service phone number below. You can find the phone number below.


Gwangju Bank Customer Center Phone Number Main Number: 1588-3388/1600-4000
Plain language service: 1661-3663
For the visually impaired only: 1644-7766
Consultant/counselor connection time: Weekdays 9:00 – 18:00
KJ Card Help Center: 1577-3650 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)


Gwangju Bank ARS speed code information
If you select the service number you want, you can quickly connect to that service.

Main phone > Select # > Enter speed dial number
Service name shortcut number
Deposit balance inquiry 111
Check deposit/withdrawal transaction details 114
Transfer money to Gwangju Bank account 211
Transfer money to another bank account 212
Gwangju Card payment amount inquiry 415
Voice phishing damage report 555
Apply for text notification service 611
E-banking password setting #713
Deposit/withdrawal transaction details fax service 811
Credit card transaction history fax service 812
Cash card/Smart OK card accident report 5111
Credit card/check card accident report 5121

Gwangju Bank chat consultation information
The time below is a shortcut to Gwangju Bank chat consultation. Real-time consultation is available during business hours. Some services may have restrictions to protect personal information and prevent accidents.

📌 Go to Gwangju Bank chat consultation

📌 Find hidden insurance money, go straight to look up insurance money that you haven’t found


Gwangju Bank Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions
You can search for frequently asked questions on the website. If you search before contacting customer service, you can quickly and easily resolve your questions. In addition to the questions below, we have a variety of questions related to deposits, loans, cards, funds, retirement pensions, foreign exchange, etc., so please check them out.

What documents are required to open a deposit/withdrawal account (new)?
What is a financial transaction limit account (limit limit account)?
Is it possible to issue a financial certificate while holding an existing joint certificate (old public certificate)?
How long are certificates stored in the cloud maintained?
How do I destroy a financial certificate?
How do I register and cancel financial certificates from other banks/institutions?
What is the validity period of the financial certificate?
What do I do if I forget my financial certificate password?
📌 Click to see Gwangju Bank FAQ questions and answers


Up to this point, we have introduced the Gwangju Bank customer service phone number, ATM branch, currency exchange, overseas foreign currency remittance branch, etc. I hope this was helpful.