쿠팡 판매자센터 바로가기 Go to Coupang Seller Center

Coupang Wing is a management center for sellers selling products on Coupang. Sellers can perform a variety of tasks through Coupang Wing. Let’s learn more about the shortcut path, main functions, and usage.

쿠팡 판매자센터

쿠팡 판매자센터
• Introduction to Coupang Wing
• main function
• conclusion

Introduction to Coupang Wing


Coupang Wing helps sellers simplify their work by providing a variety of functions, from product registration to order processing and sales analysis.



Go to Coupang Wing

main function


Product Registration: You can register product information through Coupang Wing and add images and descriptions. This allows you to sell your products on Coupang.
Inventory Management: Coupang Wing allows you to check and manage product inventory. You can manage inventory efficiently by receiving notifications when inventory is low.
Order Processing: When an order comes in, you can check and process it on Coupang Wing. You can update the status of your order, including ready to ship or delivered.
Sales Analysis: Coupang Wing visualizes sales and expresses them in graphs. You can check sales trends by applying the desired elements.
Handling customer inquiries: You can check and respond to customer inquiries through Coupang Wing. You can increase customer satisfaction through quick and accurate answers.
Download Coupang Wing app (Android)



You can manage and sell products efficiently through Coupang Wing.