범죄경력회보서 발급 How to get a criminal record report online – print it out in 10 seconds

범죄경력회보서 발급Those who have difficulty issuing online can visit the police station’s civil affairs office with their ID card to receive the certificate. They can also print it online through the official criminal record certificate issuance system website or the police civil affairs portal. Agents can also receive the document, but their consent is required.
The criminal record certificate, which is widely used for overseas permanent residency, employment, entry, and study abroad, can be subject to imprisonment or a fine if the purpose of submission is not clearly selected. It can be printed in both Korean and English, and separate notarization may be required if necessary.
You can print it by excluding or including the effective sentence, and if you have any objections to the contents of the printed report, you can request a correction by selecting the request for correction of the disposition description.


1. Access the official criminal record certificate issuance system website and log in with a public certificate, simple authentication, or i-PIN.

2. Select the purpose of issuance, such as overseas entry and stay, from the self-issued viewing menu.

3. Read the precautions and click Confirm.

4. Select the report type, issuance language, and printing method ((You can integrate or separate criminal investigation records.))

5. Fill out the application details such as address, issuance reason, phone number, police station at address, and email.

6. Check the application information and click Print Report to issue.

You can inquire about the online issuance method of the criminal record report by calling the main civil complaint hotline 182.

– Report issuance application: Fill out the criminal record inquiry application details.
– Police station reception (application): The report issuance application has been received at the designated police station and is being confirmed.
– Report issuance pending (pending issuance): The requested criminal record has been reported and is waiting to be viewed/printed. – Report issuance completion (issuance completion): The report has been viewed/printed and all procedures have been completed.

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