토스뱅크 체크카드 혜택 Toss Card Toss Bank Check Card Benefits

With the end of the fandom money caused by the corona virus and concerns about inflation growing, the low interest rate trend in earnest has come to an end. So, we are in a situation where we are planning to raise interest rates around the world, and it seems that the popularity of high-interest products … Read more

중국 택배 조회 my mind would be at least a little more stable

When I purchase a product on Taobao or Alibaba in China, I wait anxiously for it to come to my arms. ​I thought that if I did an inquiry, my mind would be at least a little more stable, so today I am going to learn how to check the delivery of Chinese Taobao and … Read more

아이핀 발급 How to issue an i-PIN (using a joint certificate)

​ All you need to do is take a fingerprint It’s a scary and simple world. But in this world, my own cell phone is The fact that it can only be done with it! ​ If you do not have a mobile phone or card under your name People do something to authenticate themselves … Read more

현금영수증 조회 Reasons for inquiring and issuing cash receipts

Both consumers and individual businesses can easily obtain a card by registering a card through Hometax to issue a cash receipt or to process purchases and proof of expenditure, and issue and use a dedicated card. Even if you do not receive it, you can automatically reflect the purchase and expenditure income deduction details. Then, … Read more

농협 공동인증서 발급 Check how to issue the Nonghyup accredited certificate

I took a class in the academic credit banking system. They say that you must have a universal accredited certificate when taking classes. When I heard it before, it was made less than a year ago, so it must be issued again. ​ Since the main bank is Nonghyup, it was initially created on the … Read more

신한은행 비대면 계좌개설 Shinhan Bank non-face-to-face account opening Passbook opening

Have you ever tried Hwantech? I tried Hwantech a few years ago and introduced it on my blog. At the time, I invested in Japanese yen with a small amount of 60,000 won, and I changed it back to KRW after not having much fun. Looking back now, it was 5 years ago (2016). ​ … Read more