연체기록 조회 및 삭제기간 정리 Overdue record inquiry and deletion period arrangement

How to check overdue records and when to delete them? Occasionally, on the day of direct debit, you may have been in arrears because cell phone bills, credit card payments, or loans were not withdrawn because the balance in your bank account was insufficient. Even if the amount is small, having a history of delinquency … Read more

주거급여 신청자격 및 신청방법 (feat.총정리) Housing benefit application qualifications and application method (feat. Summary)

The housing benefit system that supports housing expenses for low-income families is a benefit that can receive up to KRW 751,000. If you live on a monthly or charter basis, you will be burdened by the ever-increasing housing costs.     Housing benefit – How to apply In order to relieve some of this burden, … Read more

주유소 가격비교 및 근처 싼 주유소 찾기 Compare gas station prices and find cheap gas stations nearby

Follow 3 ways to compare gas station prices 주유소 가격비교 Follow 3 ways to compare gas station prices Hello, today I would like to tell you about how to compare gas station prices. When you use a car, you will often put gas at a gas station. However, since the price is different for each … Read more

모르는 전화번호 검색 방법 (feat. 발신번호 조회) How to search for an unknown phone number (feat. Caller Number Lookup)

Summary guide on how to search unknown phone numbers There are many cases where you receive calls from area codes or cell phone numbers that are not stored. If you do receive it, it is called spam. There are plenty of people who use applications or functions that filter these numbers. I say the same … Read more

청년도약계좌 신청방법 및 가입조건(feat.총정리) How to apply for a Youth Leap Account and conditions for joining (feat. Summary)

It is said that the ‘youth medicine account’ that will fill our bank account will be released in June this year. We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about how to apply. Please check the information below to save time. Youth Leap Account How to apply for Youth Leap Account Conditions for joining the … Read more

국민내일배움카드 신청방법 및 자격(feat.사용처) How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card and qualifications (feat. Where to use it)

Job seekers who are looking for jobs, job seekers who are interested in jobs in other fields, office workers who want to improve their work capabilities, middle-aged and elderly people who are preparing for life after retirement, and women who want a new career, all with a single card. There are systems you can prepare … Read more

알레르기 비염 예방 및 치료방법 (feat.원인증상) Allergic rhinitis prevention and treatment method (feat. Certificate of cause)

We will inform you in detail about the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. There are many people who suffer from allergic rhinitis as the season changes in spring. If you have any of the symptoms I am telling you today, please visit a hospital and receive medical treatment.   allergic rhinitis symptoms Allergic rhinitis is a … Read more

이유식 시작시기 및 이유식 종류 알아보기 Learn when to start weaning and the types of weaning

When to start weaning In the past, there was a recommendation to start weaning at 6 months for breastfeeding and at 4 months for formula feeding, but these days, we recommend starting weaning at 6 months of age, regardless of the feeding method. Allergic factors such as flour and eggs were also exposed as late … Read more

서울시 소상공인 지원금 신청방법 및 지급조건 How to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions

hello. Today, I will post about how to apply for the ‘Small Business Support Employment Subsidy’, a project of Seoul City. Those who qualify can receive 3 million won per hired worker, so please read it once. Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul index ●Overview Support target, condition, period ●How to apply ●Overview … Read more

청년층 신용상승 지원 신청방법 및 지원자격 How to apply for credit increase support for young people and eligibility

I came across an article that said the credit recovery committee had prepared an incentive. ​ Those who are in the process of personal rehabilitation have been unable to repay their debts due to excessive debt in the past, so they have reached out to the state and received support. If you have been faithful … Read more