사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

hello. The resident registration number is a kind of national identification number issued to all citizens residing in the Republic of Korea. The same goes for businesses. The ‘business registration number’ is the unique number of the business that is given to the business operator. It is essential for tax invoices and receipts. Today, we … Read more

이케아 신한카드 Use Shinhan Card at IKEA and get a discount of up to 30,000 won (also online

The story of eating and shopping with Shinhan Card cashback coupons. I have a habit of periodically checking discount coupons for each card company like a discounter. ​ If you go to Shinhan Play App – Menu – My Shop Coupon, you will find a list of various discount coupons.​​​ ​ 10,000 won cashback when … Read more

신협 인터넷뱅킹 Credit Union Internet Banking

If you renew the accredited certificate (joint certificate) of your main bank, you must newly register the accredited certificates of all financial institutions that used internet banking with the accredited certificate. Credit Union Internet Banking Other Bank Accredited Certificate (Joint Certificate) Registration Method Credit Union Internet Banking Other Bank Accredited Certificate (Joint Certificate) Registration Method … Read more

신한 인증서 비밀번호 Kiwoom Securities joint certificate issuance/reissuance method (password is generated)

How to use Shinhan Bank financial certificate – Abolition of public certificate~!!! From December 10, 2020, the existing accredited certificate will be abolished. Instead, a private certificate was used. But one problem still remains. In other words, when you need to send money from your bank account to someone else, you must use a certificate … Read more

신한 인증서 발급 Issuance of Shinhan certificate is essential if you want a preferential interest rate for youth desired savings!

I decided to post one post a day, and I try to post only useful information every day, but this doesn’t seem to be easy either. I’m taking a break on the weekends, but now I’m thinking about increasing the challenge to one bag a day by doing it until the weekend, and the subject … Read more