공인중개사 무료인강 Free tutoring for certified brokers

Recently, many people consider various factors while thinking about their career path. Among them, work-life balance and preparation for old age are the representative examples. Real estate agents are also gaining popularity due to the declining employment rate in 2030 and preparation for retirement due to aging. In this post, I will introduce you how … Read more

퇴직금 중간정산 단점 Summary of calculation methods including severance pay annual allowance

1. What is annual allowance? If an employee does not use the annual leave generated under the Labor Standards Act for one year, it automatically expires, and at this time, the annual paid leave that has not been used is compensated as an annual allowance instead The occurrence of annual leave depends on those who … Read more

우리카드 분실신고 Suspension, cancellation and cancellation of quick connection to Woori Card customer center and reporting of loss

There are a lot of receptions, but it is always It’s a job, but how to report a loss It is helpful to know in advance as there are things that you may get lost because you do not know. ​ ​ In addition to reporting the loss of our card, Other credit card companies … Read more

2022년 09월 27일 대한민국 카메룬 Cameroon match opponent analysis

The 2022 World Cup in Qatar is fast approaching. The Korean national football team, led by coach Paulo Bento, played an A match in September. We are going to do it twice. The reason the 2nd match A list is important is because we don’t have much time to train while playing the evaluation match … Read more

2022년 09월 23일 대한민국 코스타리카 National Team Korea Soccer Schedule September A Match Broadcast Costa Rica

In preparation for the Qatar World Cup in November, the next A match schedule for the Korean national soccer team is September. The match day set by FIFA is from 9/19 to 27, so there is a match schedule between countries. The match against Japan, the enemy of the East Asian Cup last year, is … Read more

2022년10월1일 아스널 FC 토트넘 홋스퍼 FC North London Derby Tottenham vs Arsenal

At 12:30 a.m. on October 1st, Korean time PL8R Arsenal VS Tottenham North London Derby It was played at the Emirates Stadium, Arsenal’s home ground. Emirates Stadium A look at both teams’ lineups Lineup of both teams (Insta of both teams) The home team Arsenal is in the 4231 formation. 400 yen Tommyas, Ben White, … Read more

노란우산공제 가입조건 Conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

The ‘Yellow Umbrella Deduction’ is a deduction system for employers’ severance pay that is operated so that small businesses and small business owners can secure their livelihood from threats to their livelihood, such as closure of business or old age, and receive opportunities for business recovery. You can view the Yellow Umbrella Deduction Loan here. … Read more