금융인증서 공동인증서 차이 Financial certificate joint certificate difference, import summary

The accredited certificate system, which is mainly used by many people for financial transactions, was abolished at the same time as the amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Electronic Signature Act was implemented in December 2020. As a result, the system has been changed to use various certificates such as joint certificates and private … Read more

가스라이팅 뜻 gaslighting meaning

This topic is gaslighting. It is a crime using the psychology of a person that can take place anywhere social relationships such as home, work, school, and romantic relationships take place. Let’s take a look at gaslighting, which can be done deliberately and cleverly, and sometimes even without the gaslighter’s knowledge. I think it’s a … Read more

카카오뱅크 고객센터 Kakao Bank Customer Center Chatbot Inquiry and Phone Number Check

KakaoTalk is also a platform that is used by many people in Korea to the extent that few people do not use it. ​ It has already been several years since KakaoTalk, which at first only exchanged messages for free, started to act as an online bank as it was reborn as a giant dinosaur … Read more

카카오뱅크 통장사본 Print a copy of Kakao Bank’s cabin passbook, open an account

Today at Kakao Bank How to save a copy of your bankbook For public office and company submission How to print an account opening confirmation 카카오뱅크 통장사본 Let’s find out about it. ​ I used to go to banking. according to banking hours 이베이스매뉴얼 It was cumbersome to move, but These days, at home or … Read more

카카오페이 비밀번호 찾기 Two easy ways to find and change Kakao Pay password

​Today’s post is about finding Kakao Pay password. First, let’s start with the conclusion, it’s impossible to find. So if you can’t remember, you have to change it instead of finding it. ​ I’ll show you how to change it! ​ 1. Open the KakaoTalk app. 2. Tap ··· at the bottom right and then … Read more

국민은행 빠른조회 How to register for Kookmin Bank quick inquiry service

US central bank interest rates As the central bank’s base interest rate rises, the main loan interest rate rises and, conversely, the limit on apartment jeonse loans is lowered. ​ As a result, the ‘housing market’ is freezing, and in this situation, some banks are receiving a lot of attention according to the issue of … Read more