부모급여 신청방법 How to apply for parental benefits

부모급여 신청방법index 1. What is parental benefit? 2. How to apply for parental benefits 3. Parental benefit payment method and payment period The parental benefit is a system introduced to maintain income and ease the economic burden of households whose income has decreased due to childbirth and childrearing. In fact, it is expected that it … Read more

부모급여 신청방법 How to apply for parental benefits, up to 700,000 won

부모급여 신청방법By Kim Yun-seok, reporter 2023.01.10 08:01:29 The parental benefit system was newly introduced and is being implemented from January 2023 to support families with infants. The target is paid monthly for a set period of time, up to a maximum of 700,000 won, so it can relieve some of the financial burden that occurs … Read more