생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health checkup items by life cycle, type of subject, and cost

Let’s look at five ways to manage mental health according to the developmental stage of each life cycle.   생애주기별 건강검진 From birth to death, we all experience certain challenges and changes in our lives according to our developmental stages throughout our life cycle. Mental health care during these stages is essential to overcome challenges … Read more

생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health check-up items by life cycle, types of subjects and costs

Health checkup by life cycle / Comprehensive health checkup options recommended for those in their 40s and 50s / Middle-aged women’s health checkup 생애주기별 건강검진 As we enter middle age, we begin to experience serious aging. Therefore, the 40s and 50s are an important period in health checkups by life cycle. Women should pay a … Read more