가설건축물 신고대상 Things to consider when installing a temporary building (container)

가설건축물 신고대상1 Differences between buildings and temporary buildings

2  If a container subject to construction reporting is installed and used without permission or notification, it is subject to punishment as a violation of the Building Act. If permission is not obtained, a fine of up to 20 million won is imposed, and the declared container must be separated from the foundation on the ground.

Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport “Intelligible Architectural Tour 2017”

Easy-to-understand architecture tour (2017) – Download
✅ Temporary buildings Buildings subject to building permit • Temporary buildings for temporary use in urban/county planning facilities and planned areas for city/county planning facilities, in the following cases • In cases where they do not violate development activities on the site of urban/county planning facilities • In the case of three stories or less • Not in reinforced concrete structures or steel-framed reinforced concrete structures • The retention period must be less than 3 years. However, the period may be extended until the urban/gun planning project is implemented. • Does not require installation of new main supply facilities such as electricity, water, and gas • Apartment houses, sales facilities, transportation facilities, etc., which are not built for the purpose of sale ✅ Temporary buildings subject to construction notification • Temporary buildings for disaster recovery, entertainment, exhibitions, construction, etc., for the following purposes • Temporary-use buildings (areas where disasters have occurred) • Temporary stores for direct trade of agricultural, fishery, and livestock products, Seolheung Haengjang • Prefabricated structure for security (total floor area of ​​10㎡ or less), car garage • Containerized temporary office, temporary warehouse, temporary dormitory • Agricultural/fishery vinyl house (total floor area of ​​100㎡ or more): Installed in residential/commercial/industrial areas among urban areas • Vinyl house for cattle use (total floor area of ​​100㎡ or more) • Fixed greenhouse for agriculture/fishery, simple workshop, Livestock breeding room • Tents for storage of goods/Tents for temporary cultural events such as amusement parks • Outdoor exhibition facilities and filming facilities/Outdoor smoking rooms (with a total floor area of ​​50㎡ or less) Buildings specified by the building ordinance

Building Code.pdf

2 Temporary building construction subject to report

Source: http://news.suwon.go.kr/_Ext/news/viewPrint.php?reqIdx=142564067856085479

3 Container fire prevention It is often seen in the news that a fire broke out in a container. Since containers are used as temporary structures, electrical and fire extinguishing facilities are often neglected. As for the temporary container, even if only one fire extinguisher is provided according to the Fire Protection Act, the law is satisfied.

http://www.11st.co.kr/products/3111006031?utm_medium=%EA%B2%80%EC%83%89&gclid=Cj0KCQjwreT8BRDTARIsAJLI0KJEMyMtadubCwpXGM809NlrG9xccCZlzJ7tARaO3aiknACpFX2XAAoaAvW2EAL w_wcB&utm_source=%EA%B5%AC%EA%B8%80_PC_S_%EC%87%BC%ED%95%91&utm_campaign=%EA%B5%AC%EA%B8%80%EC%87%BC%ED%95%91PC+%EC%B6%94%EA%B0%80%EC%9E%91%EC%97%85&utm_term =

Q1 I would like to inquire about the standard for installing container automatic diffusion fire extinguishers. Table 4 of Fire Safety Standards for Fire Extinguishers and Automatic Fire Extinguishers (NFSC 101)
In the port, there is a standard for installing automatic diffusion fire extinguishers, but in the case of containers, this is not applicable. A1 Hello, this is Samcheok Fire Station Protection and Rescue Division Prevention Civil Complaints Section. The automatic diffusion fire extinguisher installation standard must be installed according to the purpose of use for each accessory purpose in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 3 [Appendix 4] of the fire safety standards for fire extinguishing equipment and automatic fire extinguishing devices (NFSC 101). Other than the above installation standards, there are no other regulations. To interpret and explain the above installation standards, it is not necessary to install automatic diffusion fire extinguishers unconditionally in container facilities, and you need to install them only in places that fall under the items of each use in the table below. However, in the case of residential container facilities, if a gas range is used, it is recommended to install a fire extinguisher and an independent alarm type detector for safety. Fire extinguishing equipment to be added for each attached use (related to Article 4 (1) 3)

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가설건축물 신고대상
