공동인증서 비밀번호 찾기 How to find a common certificate password you forgot

1. How to take action in case of loss of password of joint certificate
2. Procedures for initializing the password for the joint certificate
3. Rules and Tips for Managing Common Certificate Passwords
1. How to take action in case of loss of password of joint certificate

– If you lose your common certif

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icate password, you must first contact your organization or company to report the situation.
– Most organizations support reissuance or initialization of lost common certificates and must follow the procedure.


– It is important to respond quickly and quickly to minimize the damage caused by loss, and you should take action as soon as you recognize the loss.

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2. Procedures for initializing the password for the joint certificate

– In order to initialize the password of the joint certificate, you must follow the established procedures of the organization or company.
– In general, the procedure for initialization can be applied online or offline, and it is carried out through the self-authentication and identification process.


– The initialization procedure is strictly self-authentication to enhance security, and changes must be made according to the change procedure after issuing a temporary password.
3. Rules and Tips for Managing Common Certificate Passwords


– Be careful not to expose your co-certificate password to others. Never share it with others to avoid social engineering attacks.
– You need to use randomly generated complex passwords and make regular changes to enhance your security.
– The common certificate password should not be used the same as the password for other sites or services, and it should only be used for the common certificate.


– Paper or digital media with a common certificate password should be stored in a safe place and care must be taken not to lose or leak.
– If the common certificate password is leaked or there is any suspicious activity, the organization or company should be notified immediately.
[Source] How to find the password for the forgotten joint certificate | Author kaokaos2