관절보궁 가격 및 효능 총정리 Arthroscopy price and efficacy summary

The price and efficacy of joint bogung, which are advertised a lot these days
관절보궁 가격

Joint Bogung, which advertises a lot with celebrities these days

관절보궁 가격

Why the hell is he getting so much publicity? I also advertise a lot on my blog. So I searched…


Just looking at the name, I want to be a joint side effect food. My shoulder hurts too much, so I was surprised to see the price after trying one of the nutrients I found after looking for it. That’s 300,000 won a month ^^


● Intake targets described by the company
It is a joint supplement that is widely advertised. Joints such as shoulders, wrists, knees, and elbows often become painful as we age. At the age of painful joints, people look for a certain effect rather than money, so it seems that they are looking for joint supplements?


● Ingredients
Joint Bogung is said to contain NAG, calcium, and vitamin D, the main raw materials recognized as possible by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. These ingredients are health functional foods that help joint and cartilage health.

However, there is a part that can be misunderstood here. Certification from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety does not mean that efficacy is recognized, but that there are no side effects. Not a drug, but more focused on side effects than efficacy


Let’s find out about the ingredients that are typically used in joint supplements


● MSM efficacy and trials
In the case of MSM, it is a component called Methyl sulfonylmetahan, which has become famous because of the reviews that reduce the pain of arthritis and see the effect in a week.


It is a raw material that can help joint and cartilage health. Do I keep writing ‘~ can’ here? This is because the efficacy is different for each person. Pretending to be sure is illegal

As a result of the experiment on people with uncomfortable knee joints, there is an experiment result that pain and discomfort decreased… Why does MSM’s graph stop in the middle after only 2 weeks?


At the very end, there is a phrase that says ‘test results do not apply equally to everyone’.


● Efficacy and experiments of NAG
In the case of NAG, it is a raw material that can help cartilage health and skin moisturization, but this is also an experiment. As a result of the 6-week experiment, the degree of joint discomfort improved when NAG was consumed


This may also have different effects depending on the person.


● Effects of glucosamine
Glucosamine is a type of sugar and comes from shrimp and crab. When you look at shrimp or crab, you immediately think of bones and cartilage.



Arthritis is a pain caused by worn-out cartilage, so it is a concept that helps restore worn-out cartilage through glucosamine.


● Efficacy of chondroitin
Chondroitin is also one of the components of cartilage, and is a nutritional supplement made from sulfate. It is known to help stop cartilage deterioration and restore worn cartilage. Derived from snail slime.

● side effects
Side effects of MSM can include stomach discomfort, headaches, and other abnormal symptoms.


Safety has not been established in pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. Above all, glucosamine causes allergies because it is extracted from crustacean fish and shellfish.


Left: ‘Bo’ in liquid form, Right: ‘Gung’ in tablet form
● Types and prices of arthroscopic arches
These ingredients are used as joint nutrients, and among them, joint bogung is the most aggressive publicity. The product is divided into ‘Bo’ in liquid form and ‘Goong’ in tablet form. Looking at the price, roughly 300,000 won for 30 days?


● I have to go to counseling…
It is said that you can get it cheaper if you consult, but it is said that it is in the upper half of 200,000 won per month. It seems to be about 5-10% cheaper. However, I wonder if it is right to invest such a large amount of money in nutritional supplements, not pharmaceuticals.


Honestly, if something like this works, I don’t think there’s any reason for medicine to exist… Of course, the choice is yours.