교도소 면회 신청방법 How to apply for prison visitation

If you are suddenly involved in a criminal case and your family, friends, or acquaintances are arrested and detained by the police, I think many people will be puzzled and do not know what to do. So, I think you may be searching on the Internet for information on how to make a reservation for a visit to a detention center or contacting an appointed lawyer.

교도소 면회

교도소 면회

Accordingly, in today’s arrest warrant substantive examination, I will explain how I can visit inmates who have been issued arrest warrants and are imprisoned in a detention center, that is, my family, friends, and acquaintances.




■ How do I apply for a visit to the detention center?


If a member of the public, that is, a family member or acquaintance who is not a lawyer, wishes to meet with an inmate imprisoned in a detention center, they must apply for a general meeting. Applications can be made on the same day or by reservation.


If you wish to apply on the same day, you can go to the reception room of the detention center where the inmate is imprisoned and apply directly at the window. \


Reservations can be made through the Correctional Civil Service Call Center (☎ 1363), the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service (https://minwon.moj.go.kr/minwon/1996/subview.do), mobile phone, or in person.




■ How many times can I visit the detention center?


For unconvicted prisoners whose sentences have not been confirmed and whose trial is in progress, the number of visits is limited to once a day. Therefore, it would be more convenient in many ways to make a reservation rather than apply on the same day.


Additionally, if the inmate is a convicted prisoner, the number of visits varies depending on the rank assigned. Level 4 is 4 times a month, level 3 is 5 times a month, level 2 is 6 times a month, and level 1 is once a day. In the case of labor, it is limited to 5 times a month.




■ What is the procedure for accepting reservations for detention visits?


As mentioned above, reservations can be made by calling 1363, the main number of the Correctional Civil Service Call Center, or through the Internet or mobile sites. You can make a reservation by visiting the detention center directly.


Correctional Civil Service Call Center (☎ 1363)

First, in order to use the Correctional Civil Complaint Call Center, you can only use it after visiting the nearest correctional institution and registering as an acquaintance. It is also open from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, excluding weekends and public holidays. After completing your acquaintance registration, if you want to make a reservation for a visit through the call center, press the number, then press Connect to a counselor, and tell the staff member in charge the resident registration number, address, phone number, and relationship with the inmate of the person you wish to meet.


Ministry of Justice online civil service service (https://minwon.moj.go.kr/minwon/1996/subview.do)

To make a reservation through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service website, you must access the general interview reservation page and go through procedures such as identity verification and electronic authentication. Once you are logged in, you can check information such as the host institution name, accommodation number, and inmate name, and specify the interview date and time to complete the reservation. One thing to keep in mind when making an online reservation is that you must check whether the reservation has been made correctly through ‘Confirmation of Meeting Reservation’. This is because your application may not be able to be submitted due to an internet error or other reasons.


On-site (visit) reservation

If you wish to visit the detention center in person and make a reservation for an interview, you must arrive at the reception time. Reception hours are designated as 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. For weekend visits such as Saturdays, advance reservations are required, and same-day reception is not possible.




■ What if I don’t attend the detention center after making a reservation?


If you have made a reservation for an interview but find it difficult to meet due to work that comes up during that time, you can cancel at least 30 minutes before the reservation time on the day of the interview. If possible, it is better to check the schedule in advance and go through the cancellation process rather than canceling on the same day.


If you do not cancel and do not visit the detention center on the scheduled visit date, you will not be able to make an appointment reservation for one month.




■ What if it is impossible to make a reservation for a meeting?


In some cases, it may be difficult to make an interview reservation due to the circumstances of the inmate or correctional institution. If you are unable to apply for a visit to the detention center properly, please contact the Correctional Civil Complaint Call Center at 1363 or the relevant correctional institution civil affairs department.


※ Addresses and contact information of correctional institutions nationwide can be found at the addresses below.





■ What if I was refused a visit to the detention center on the day of the interview?


On the day of the visit, a situation may arise where you are informed that it is impossible to visit the inmate. There are many reasons, and although the inmate may directly refuse, please note that there may be the following circumstances.


– When contact is restricted due to necessity during investigation or punishment for violation of detention center regulations.

– When going to court or prosecutors’ offices

– When preparing for transport to Tasso

– When there is a decision by the court or prosecutor to prohibit contact.




■ How many people can be interviewed at once?


The Ministry of Justice’s Correctional Headquarters regulates the number of people allowed to meet between 3 and 5 people. However, there may be some differences depending on the institution. I would say that it would be more accurate to check these matters by contacting the relevant detention center directly.


Also, if you have a companion when meeting you, you can meet them after going through an identity verification process by notifying the detention center’s civil service office that you have a companion. When making a reservation for a visit to a detention center online, you can also apply for a companion visit by going through the verification process of the accompanying person.