교도소 면회신청 Prison visitation time, procedure, and method

교도소 면회신청Visits are possible on weekdays, but visits are not conducted on Sundays or public holidays. Visiting hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays (Article 58, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Penalty Execution Act, Article 9 of the National Civil Servant Service Regulations). However, if it is deemed particularly necessary for the inmate’s edification or healthy return to society, visits may be made outside of the visiting hours and visitation hours may be extended. The number of people who can visit at a time is 3 to 5, but it varies from prison to prison, so you should check in advance. 
The number of times a license can be issued varies depending on the type and level of the inmate. Please refer to the table below for details. 
An unconvicted inmate refers to a person whose punishment has not yet been determined because the criminal trial has not been completed, and a convicted inmate refers to a person whose criminal trial has been completed and the punishment has been determined. A person is a person who has been ordered to be detained in a labor camp and imprisoned in prison for failing to pay a fine. 

The Ministry of Justice is implementing a meeting reservation system to ensure smooth meetings. The meeting reservation system allows prisoners to wait in the reception room in advance if they make a reservation for a visit online or by phone (1363). If a reservation is made in advance, the complainant can be interviewed after verification of identity. To apply for a visit online, click the image below. 
※ Go to Ministry of Justice online civil service service (application for prison visit)

Reservations can be made from 11 days before the date you wish to visit until the day before the visit. After making a reservation for a visit, if you do not visit at the scheduled visit time, you will not be able to make a reservation for a month from the next day, so it is important to adhere to the visit time. If you are unable to visit us due to unforeseen circumstances, you must cancel your reservation at least 30 minutes prior to your reservation time. 
※ What is the real reason why Go Yoo-jeong was acquitted of murdering her stepson? (Click on the image below)

Visitation is not possible in the following cases: 
As often seen in movies and dramas, visits are, in principle, held in places where contact prevention facilities are installed, so the inmate and the person visiting cannot come into contact. 
Exceptionally, in the following cases, the visit will be held in a place where contact prevention facilities are not installed. 
In the following cases, the warden may have prison guards listen to, record, record, or videotape the inmate’s interviews. 
※ Addresses and phone numbers (contact information) of prisons and detention centers nationwide

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