구전녹용 가격 및 효능 총정리 Overall summary of oral deer antler price and efficacy

Deer antler has been used as a representative herbal medicine ingredient for nourishment and tonic since ancient times, and is a precious medicinal material used as a gift for kings. For those who are curious about oral antler, which is popular among people with only the best quality antler, we will inform you of the efficacy, ingredients and price of oral antler.

구전녹용 가격

구전녹용 가격


What is oral verdure?

It is said that they succeeded in finding the optimal combination by researching the manufacturing method of Sipjeondaebotang based on the basics, and excluding cinnamon among the ingredients of Sipjeondaebotang, and named it Gujeon Deer Antler. However, it is said that it became known through word of mouth from people who had eaten the product, so it was naturally changed to oral deer antler.


Ingredients of oral deer antler

Gujeon antler contains 9 main ingredients, red ginseng, shovel, bokryeong, licorice, sukjihwang, peony, cnidium, angelica, and astragalus, and it is said that no food additives are added. In addition, since all of the added main and sub-materials contain only domestic raw materials, the efficacy of the raw materials can be said to be more excellent.


Gujeon antler antler

Deer antler distributed in Korea is commonly used in Russia, China, and New Zealand. Among them, Russian antler is being certified as a product, and Gujeon antler is recognized as the best deer antler (= Won-yong) in the oriental medicine world and only contains Russian Abaysk antler, which is considered a luxury product.


Russian abaisk deer grow while eating herbs in harsh sub-zero temperatures, so their antlers have dense tissue and soft hair. It is said that all the value of deer antlers is contained by brewing everything from the bone marrow (tip), which is said to be the most valuable in deer antler, to the lower stem.




Efficacy of oral antler


The warm nature of deer antler activates the functions of organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver, helping to fundamentally restore energy. It not only relieves fatigue and acts as an antioxidant, but also helps in the growth and development of nerve cells, replenishing insufficient energy and reinforcing blood to create strength.


For those with low energy and low stamina, it can help boost energy and vitality, and it also helps to increase immunity against pathogens and viruses. It can also help prevent osteoporosis by improving bone density.


It is known to help with anemia, which is common among women, and to prevent miscarriage and help pregnancy by warming and strengthening the uterus. It not only improves symptoms such as enuresis and urinary retention, but also helps growth and development by filling up nutrients that are lacking in growing children.


Oral antler products and prices


There are a total of 8 types of oral antler products. There are stem, bone, and gin divided according to the content of ingredients, and antler products for babies or growing children and antler products exclusively for menopausal women are divided in detail, so it would be nice to check the details below in detail.


Gujeon Deer Antler: This is a representative product of Gujeon Deer Antler, which has the highest content of deer antler among pouch products, allowing you to feel the deep taste of deer antlers (10 packs 1 box 120,000 won / 30 packs 1 box 320,000 won)
Gujeon antler order: A milder product for those who are new to antler, so that they can enjoy it without any burden (one box of 10 packets 77,000 won / a box of 30 packets 190,000 won)
Oral antler banyan leaf: product for growing children aged 7 to 12 years old (66,000 won per box of 10 packs / 170,000 won per box of 30 packs)
Gujeon Deer Antler Danggeum Baby: A product that does not contain food additives for ages 3 to 6 years old (10 packs 1 box 44,000 won / 30 packs 1 box 120,000 won)
Gujeon Deer Deer Bokse Pyeonsal: A stick-type product made for busy modern people that is portable and can be eaten anytime, anywhere (48,000 won for a box of 10 packs / 134,000 won for a box of 30 packs / 228,000 won for a box of 60 packs)
Gujeon deer antler gin: It is a highly concentrated deer antler extract that has a deeper and richer taste than existing oral deer antler products by increasing the amount of antler antler.
Gujeon Green Ginseng: Decoction of Korean red ginseng in deer antler, suitable for those who want to consume red ginseng and antler together (148,000 won per box of 30 packets)
Oral Jeonggyeong Wife: A product that can help improve female menopausal diseases by adding antler and 7 ingredients as a base and adding certified functional pomegranate concentrate (220,000 won per box of 30 packets)

Gujeon antler can be easily purchased on the homepage of the head office, and at Pyeonggangdowon [Myeongdong/Seocho/Daegu/Busan/Ansan], customers can sample and purchase the product for free. If you are curious about the product, it would be nice to refer to the oral antler homepage.