구주소 신주소 변환 방법 Easy way to convert old address to new address

Are there people who are still unfamiliar with the street name and address?

I do a lot of internet shopping

Now, the street name address is familiar and the lot number address feels unfamiliar.

I’m getting used to it naturally because I’m using the address verbatim ^^

The street address is the new address and the lot number is the old address.

Recently, I am trying to order an item from a certain site, but the delivery address is a street address.

I searched it and it didn’t work, it was a site that still only used the old address, the lot number.

Since I often use the street address, I forgot the lot address.

It’s the opposite of today’s post, but it’s a new address and old address conversion method.

The method or method of converting an old address to a new address is the same~

In fact, the site that only uses the old address is not going to do business.

If you are doing business on the Internet, you should be more sensitive to trends faster than anyone else.

There is no such thing as a good business site. But the place that sells what I want is out there

Since it wasn’t there, I cried and ordered mustard. Fortunately, the items arrived well, so I was worried about what would happen if they didn’t arrive.

구주소 신주소 변환 방법


As I said, old address as new address and new address as old address 구주소 신주소 변환 방법

The conversion method is the same.

Before learning how to convert, what is the new address, the street name address?

I think there are not many people who know and use it properly, so I simply

I was prepared to explain. Once you know why the address is structured like this

It will be more understandable and easier to remember.



First, what is a street address? It’s an explanation of what it is.

The street name address consists of the street name + building number. 구주소 신주소 변환 방법



This is the building number generation process.

This is how the building number was determined.

If you know how addresses are made, have them

It’ll help when I get home, though it’s unlikely.



Meaning of road name.

The road is narrower than the road, and the road runs from 2 lanes to 7 lanes,

Boulevard means more than 8 lanes.



Everything is new information, it was so much fun watching this ^^



Finally, it’s about address details.

If you know this far, you can see how street name addresses are created.



I memorized it because I was told that it was an unconditional relocation.

Knowing that it is made like this, it will be easier to memorize, right?

Now, today’s topic is how to convert old address to new address. It’s too easy.

There are several places that provide services, but the one I use is the road name address guidance system.

All of the above explanations have been uploaded with what is mentioned here.

When you go to the website, the search bar appears right in the center.

Just enter the address you want to convert here.



I searched the address of 1654 Sangam-dong.

This is the Starbucks address in DMC~

I did a search and it says 375, World Cupbuk-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul.



This is easily converted. There is nothing else to explain other than this.

If there is an address that needs to be converted, you can convert it like this.



The reason I told you how the street name address is created above will be used in the future.

I put it together in the sense of knowing and using it properly.

If anyone asks, you can explain it, and it’s better than not knowing ^^

I tried to contain information that viewers would find useful, but I don’t know how it was.

Today’s post will end here. I’ll see you again with good information.