국민연금 조기수령 장단점 Conditions for early receipt of the national pension and how to apply | National Pension Advantages and Disadvantages

국민연금 조기수령 장단점The national pension is originally available from the age of 65, but the early receipt system allows you to receive a pension up to 5 years earlier than the pension age.

The National Pension Early Recipient System is a system that allows you to receive a pension earlier than the original pension age if certain conditions are met. For example, as of 2023, you can receive the national pension from the age of 65, but if you choose to receive it early, you can receive the pension from the age of 60.
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For each year of early retirement, the pension amount is reduced by 6% per year (0.5% per month). It seems that the biggest disadvantage of early receipt is that you receive 76% for one year, 82% for three years, 88% for two years, and 94% for one year.
To apply for early receipt of the national pension, you can choose one of three methods: online, in person, or by phone. Required documents for application include identification card, personal seal, account for receiving early old age pension, marital certificate, pension payment claim, etc. To apply online, you can proceed on the National Pension Service website.
1. After accessing the National Pension Service e-Civil Application Service website, log in with your accredited certificate.

2. Select Pension/Lump Amount Claim from the Pension Claims/Recipient Management tab at the bottom of the Personal Services tab.
3. Click the Apply for Early Old Age Pension.
4. After filling out the application form, submit it.
Go to National Pension Early Recipient Application
In order to receive the national pension early, you must have at least 10 years of subscription to the national pension. Although there is a difference in age because the national pension payment standards are being raised every year, in the case of those born in 52, if they do not have a separate income job, they can receive payments even if they are over 55 years of age.
Based on this table, those born in 1969 have a starting date of early receipt at the age of 60, and those born in 52 can receive the national pension early from the age of 55.
There are also income requirements. Income must be lower than the average income of all subscribers for 3 years. Income at the time of application (business/earned income) must not exceed the average monthly income of all members of the national pension for three years, and as of 2023, 2,861,091 won is the standard.
Lastly, this process must be done on your own. If you do not apply for it, it is difficult to receive it early.
Early receipt of the national pension is one way to prepare for old age, but it must be taken into account that the amount of pension decreases depending on the timing of advance.
As an opposite concept, there is also an option to postpone the national pension. This is a system that can defer the age of receipt by up to 5 years and provides advantages such as an increase in the amount of pension, tax benefits, and continued economic activity. There are also Next time, we will look at the opposite concept of early receipt, postponement.
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국민연금 조기수령 장단점

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