근로계약서 양식 다운로드 및 작성법 How to download and fill out the employment contract form

Failure to sign a standard employment contract may result in a fine of up to 5 million won. Please download the standard employment contract form provided by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for free and protect the rights of employers and workers.

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Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Free download of standard employment contract form, how to fill it out




Free download of standard employment contract form
How to fill out a standard employment contract form
Precautions when writing a standard employment contract
Fill out a standard employment contract online

Free download of standard employment contract form

Seven free standard employment contract forms. Since the principles of written labor contracts must be observed in the workplace, please be sure to write down a standard labor contract. We have prepared two formats: Korean file and PDF file, so download the form that is convenient for you.



Ministry of Employment and Labor standard employment contract (7 types).hwp
Ministry of Employment and Labor standard employment contract (7 types).pdf
(Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor)



If you have difficulty downloading it directly, you can download it directly from the Ministry of Employment and Labor website below.




Download standard employment contract

(Go directly to download the Ministry of Employment and Labor’s standard employment contract)




In addition to the standard employment contract, free employment contract forms for general, construction, and young workers can be downloaded from Worknet.



◎ Free standard employment contract form for general / construction work / young workers


General/Staying Day/Younger Worker Form



◎ Free standard employment contract form for short-time / fixed-term / foreign workers


Short-term/temporary/foreign worker form




How to fill out a standard employment contract form



The standard employment contract must be written so that the working conditions that must be stated in Article 17 of the Labor Standards Act when concluding an employment contract are not omitted.


◎ Required working conditions


1. Worker, employer (employer)

2. Preparation of working conditions such as employment contract period, place of employment, work details, etc.

3. Fill out the prescribed working hours

4. Fill out workday and holiday entries

5. Write wages

6. Confirmation of annual leave and paid leave

7. For part-time workers, enter working days and working hours.



You can write it without mistakes by referring to the standard employment contract distributed by the Ministry of Employment and Labor below.


Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
How to write a standard employment contract



✅ Why should I use a standard employment contract?


An employment contract clearly sets out key working conditions, such as wages and working hours, and is essential to protect the rights of both workers and employers.


✅ What if I don’t use a standard employment contract?


If an employer does not enter into a written employment contract and issue it, a fine of up to 5 million won or less will be imposed. If the employer is a fixed-term or part-time worker, a fine of up to 5 million won may be imposed.


Precautions when writing a standard employment contract

After successful employment, the standard employment contract is the document that must be completed to enter into a labor contract between the company and the employee. It is so important that it cannot be overemphasized.


An employment contract is essential between employers and workers, including regular workers, daily workers, contract workers, and part-time workers.


If a contract is concluded with conditions that do not meet the law, the conditions that do not meet the law become invalid, and the standards set by the Labor Standards Act apply. However, the employment contract itself is not invalid.



Fill out a standard employment contract online

Although you can fill out a standard employment contract online, we recommend writing it down in writing.


First, access the Worknet homepage.


Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Write an online employment contract

Click on Create Employment Contract
Business Owner Drafting Agreement
Automatically send draft contract emails
Worker Draft Confirmation and Signature
Automatically send final contract email
Confirmation of final contract between employers and workers
Worknet offline employment contract writing

Free download of standard employment contract form, How to write
Write an offline employment contract

Download employment contract form
Business Owner Drafting Agreement
Worker Draft Confirmation and Signature
Confirm final contract



Create an online standard employment contract

(Source: Worknet online standard employment contract)




I was very saddened when I read an article saying that young people who had just succeeded in getting a job were neglecting the writing of an employment contract. It must be completed for legal protection in case a dispute arises between the company and the worker in the future. Please download the standard employment contract form provided by the Ministry of Employment and Labor for free and carefully follow the instructions when filling it out.