2024 근로소득 원천징수영수증 발급 방법(feat. 홈택스, 손택스) How to issue a 2024 earned income withholding receipt (feat. Hometax, Sontax)

A withholding tax receipt is a receipt for earned income paid to a wage earner. Withholding tax receipts were issued when making year-end settlements and loans.

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근로소득 원천징수영수증

You can also quickly search through Hometax or Sontax. Let’s learn how to quickly search and print information on Hometax.

Payment statement_Issuance_Withholding tax receipt
How to issue a withholding tax receipt


We will issue a withholding tax receipt on the Hometax website.


If you are a freelancer, sole proprietor, part-time worker, other income, or business income, you can see the business income withholding tax receipt after filing your comprehensive income tax return in May.


Go to the National Tax Service Hometax website and log in.
In ‘My Home Tax’, click ‘Year-end settlement, payment statement’.
Click ‘Submission details such as payment statements’.
Confirm the desired year and business location and click ‘View’.

Issuance of earned income withholding tax receipt
Order of withholding tax receipt issuance

Issuance of earned income withholding tax receipt
Select the desired year and business location

National Tax Service Home Tax_Earned Income Withholding Tax
Print withholding tax receipt

You can view the income tax, local income tax, and total payment amount of your business for the year. You can print it out and use it by clicking the print button at the top.




Issuance of withholding tax receipt from previous workplace
If you changed jobs in the previous year, you must report the combined salary of your previous job and your current job. There are two ways:


You cannot search on Hometax. In this case, you must ask your previous employer to obtain a receipt for earned income withholding tax.

However, if it is difficult to contact your former employer, only the amount from your current employer will be settled at the end of the year, and then you will file a comprehensive income tax return in the coming May.