깨진 그릇 버리는 법 How to dispose of broken dishes How to dispose of glass (jars and plates)

When doing household chores, there are often things that need to be thrown away that are ambiguous about how to get rid of them. One of them can be seen as a sharp object that can injure your hand or be dangerous. Since the material is different, you may be confused about what to do if you try to throw it away. 깨진 그릇 버리는 법

In particular, among the contents such as broken dishes, there were many people who said that it was quite difficult to dispose of the parts made of porcelain in the pay-as-you-go bag. 1분전

Environmental officials who take out garbage are often cut and injured by such broken and sharp things, so it’s good to be careful when you throw it away. Those who clean up pick it up with their hands, so if sharp objects stick out, they can easily injure their hands. So it seems that I always pack the garbage with this part in mind when discharging.

First of all, the most basic thing to do is to prepare thick newspaper and put it in as if wrapping the whole thing. Wrapping it in newspaper is important. However, if you clumsily wrap it thinly and throw it away, it is rather invisible and it is easy to get hurt the moment you grab it with your hand.

If it is not properly covered, there is a case where the pay-as-you-go system explodes, so there must be a part where you have to work twice. It’s good to clean it up to finish it once and for all. I’ve attached a photo taken by someone else. I think you have a great sense of wrapping it with tape and tying it up. You will need to be imitated.

It is also a good idea to write precautions on the envelope so that the sanitation officials can be careful not to get hurt.

For example, there are dangerous dishes, or there are sharp knives. If you write down the precautions in advance, the workers can solve it comfortably, right?

If the broken parts are very large and thick, then you must visit the district office in your jurisdiction and throw them away in a dedicated discharge sack. If you explain the situation and ask for it, they will prepare it neatly and give it to you^^ You can throw it away without worrying. It’s simpler than you think, but there are a lot of things to be careful about, so please show a sense of meticulous checking!! How to dispose of broken dishes Please dispose of them meticulously with consideration for the surroundings. Our society will be more beautiful then. We will see you again with more abundant news.