무료 폰트 사이트 모음Gonggnanuri Type 1 “Available for free use of public works”
Attribution obligation
Commercial and non-commercial use available
Possible to create secondary works such as transformation
[Notes on source indication]
① Users must indicate the source or copyright holder as follows when using public works.
ex) “This work used ‘Name of work (author: OOO)’ written in ‘OOO (name of institution)’ and opened as type O of Gongongnuri, and the work is ‘OOO (name of institution), OOO You can download it for free from (homepage address)’.”
② If it is possible to provide a hyperlink to the source website online, the link must be provided.
③ Users must not make a display that misleads a third party as if a public institution sponsors a user or that a public institution and a user have a special relationship.
※ The above range of use is for reference only. For the exact range of use, please check with the font manufacturer before use.
It may vary according to the regulations of the font manufacturer.
There is. The manufacturer’s name is below the font name at the top.
© 2023 Project Noonnu Corp.
The copyright of all fonts belongs to the creator/producer of each font.
For license inquiries regarding the use of fonts, please contact the producer/manufacturer.
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