무지개꿈 rainbow dream


 A girl lived in a cabin on the shore of a lake in a quiet forest.
 Her girl’s only companions were pretty chirping birds and fluttering butterflies.
 She spends her days waiting for her father, who left without a promise, saying that there is a country of gold beyond the mountains and that he will go there and bring back the gold.
 One day, when a boy was sitting by the lakeside and resting, he saw a girl’s face floating on the water. The boy was told that he would be able to achieve his dream if he went to the rainbow land beyond the mountains, and he followed the rainbow. However, no matter how far you go, the rainbow only gets further away.
 The boy looked back at the girl in joy, thinking, ‘Ah, it seems there is another girl chasing her dream like me.’
 The girl looked at her boy with her quiet eyes and asked.
 “Who are you?”
 “Yes, I am looking for a rainbow dream. Are you too?”
 “Huh? No. What kind of dream are you looking for?”
 “Well, my dream is to live a happy life in a fancy palace, eating delicious food, not being interfered with by anyone, and not having to study. Isn’t that really cool?”
 “Really? But is there such a dreamland?”
 “Well, you know. How happy would it be to live and do everything the way I want? I get excited just thinking about it. Don’t you? Do you want to go find it with me?”
  “No. I have to wait for my father who has gone to the Golden Land.”
 “Really? You never know when your dad might come, so you can go and pick him up, right?”
 The girl found the boy’s words plausible and decided to go with him.
 The two walked and walked along the rainbow. The rainbow seemed to be caught when it went over a small hill, but after that, it went over the mountain again.
 While climbing the mountain, I met an old man who worked as a woodcutter.
 “Grandpa, do you know where the rainbow land is?”
 “Huh? Why do you want to go there?”
 “There will be a beautiful palace of your dreams. Do you know how much further we have to go?”
 “You guys are also looking for a rainbow dream. Maybe you can find it if you go over the snow-covered mountain peak in the distance?”
 “Oh, really? Thank you.”
 At that moment, the rainbow was passing over the peak of a mountain with a beautiful white head.
 I walked and walked, sweating profusely, and finally reached the top of the mountain.
 ‘Wow, now we’ve arrived at the palace of dreams.’
 The boy was so moved that he almost cried tears of joy.
 But what is this?
 The rainbow that had guided the boy until now had disappeared without a trace, leaving only white snow piled up on the top of the mountain.
 In the sky, a large, black eagle was flying with its wings wide open as if ready to eat it.
 When I looked down, it was so steep and rugged that I thought I might die if I went down.
 When the girl looked at the boy’s anxious face, she thought that he was similar to her father, and tears came to her eyes.
 At that time, there was a sound that sounded like a mountain echo coming from somewhere.
 “There is no rainbow dream palace in this world. If you had worked hard while searching for that dream, you could have achieved a palace of happiness, but it is a pity. A vain dream is bound to disappear at some point.”

This is Hoyoung Lee’s brunch.

