문화누리카드 Culture Nuri Card eligibility and new issuance method

문화누리카드Applicants for support
Basic livelihood recipients: recipients of livelihood, medical, housing, and education benefits, conditional recipients, recipients of guaranteed facilities
– Next-lowest class: self-supporting workers, recipients of disability allowance, recipients of disabled children’s allowance, recipients of disability pension supplementary benefits (excluding those exceeding the next-lowest level),
Those eligible for reduction of out-of-pocket expenses, low-income single-parent families, those issuing a certificate of second-lowest class (formerly priority care, second-lowest class),
Other household members other than education benefit recipients (students)

Use of services
It can be used in various online and offline places, including movie theaters and amusement facilities.
Subscription services such as Netflix, YouTube, and Melon also accept payment.

How to apply
You can apply for a card issuance at a community center or the Culture Nuri Card website and receive it through Nonghyup.

Visit the website and click the card issuance icon on the first page.

You must verify your identity.

After verifying your identity and entering your details, select the nearest Nonghyup branch to receive your card.
At this time, the remaining number of cards in the branch is also displayed.

After applying online, you can receive the card through Nonghyup or by mail.
Mail delivery takes approximately 2-3 weeks.

Go to Culture Nuri Card
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