주식 코인 물타기 계산기(feat 평단가 계산기) Stock coin floating calculator (feat average price calculator)

If you are a stock trader, there are times when you run into a situation where you are in trouble. In this case, if you have a water cost calculator app, you can easily check how much you need to buy.

물타기 계산기

물타기 계산기

In this article, we will introduce you to the most highly rated stock divestment calculators that are easy to use.

1. What is stock trading?
2. Water riding calculator app
3. How to use
4. Other function tips

Stock divestment calculator thumbnail



What is stock trading?

When dealing with stocks, you often hear the expression that you are getting into trouble.


Flooding is an investment strategy that lowers the average purchase price by purchasing additional stocks when the price of stocks that have already been purchased falls.


For example, if you purchased 10 shares of A stock at 10,000 won and the price falls to 5,000 won, you can buy 10 additional shares to lower the average unit price to 7,500 won.


When to use the watering strategy
When losses occur due to short-term stock price fluctuations
When purchasing stocks that are expected to trend upward in the long term
When the stock price is judged to be at a low point

The water strategy is based on the assumption that stocks will rise again. If the stock price falls further, your losses will increase, so you should carefully judge whether it is the lowest point before proceeding.





water ride calculator app

The most important thing when buying water is how much you can lower the average unit price. You must calculate in advance whether you can achieve your target average unit price with the amount you have.


Therefore, please feel free to check using the water riding calculator.


Try using the app that has a rating of 4.8 as it is the easiest and most convenient among water ride calculator apps.




Screen Layout
The screen composition is very simple.


Enter the current average unit price and quantity held and the average unit price and quantity you wish to purchase additionally, and the total quantity and unit price will appear.


Water riding calculator screen
Water riding calculator screen





How to use the water riding calculator


How to use it is so simple. If you enter the average unit price and quantity of the stocks you own, the amount you own will be displayed.


You can look at these results and enter the average unit price and quantity of the stocks you wish to purchase additionally.


Based on the entered results, the unit price, quantity, and total price lowered by watering are automatically calculated.





Other function tips

If you open the gear wheel on the left in the Water Calculator app, a function is provided to darken the screen. You can also ensure that previous calculation results remain in place.


If you swipe sideways on the calculation screen, you can make up to 6 additional calculations, and you can also calculate additional water rides from the water ride calculation results.