사이버수사대 신고방법 Find out how (procedure) to report to the National Police Agency Cyber Investigation Unit

In Korea, the Internet is well-developed, so everyone is using the Internet, and crimes are also increasing by exploiting the Internet. So today, I’m going to tell you how to report to the National Police Agency’s Cyber ​​Investigation Unit and explain the procedure in a simple way. 사이버수사대 신고방법


사이버수사대 신고방법

National Police Agency Cyber Investigation Unit

Due to the vitalization of the Internet, many crimes such as fraud and copyright on the Internet are on the rise. Before finding out how to report to the National Police Agency’s Cyber Investigation Unit, find out what kind of internet crime is, and if the damage you saw is an Internet crime, please refer to how to report to the Cyber Investigation Unit and report it.



types of cybercrime 1분전

1. Information and communication network infringement crime

– It refers to the case of intruding into a computer or information communication network (computer system) beyond the permitted access authority, or damaging or changing the system or data program, or causing a failure in the information communication network.


– Access to resources such as computers or networks after bypassing or incapacitating them in an abnormal way, such as account theft, simple intrusion, data leakage, or data damage.

Denial of service attacks (DDoS, etc.)
– This applies when overloading or failure of the communication network is caused by sending a large amount of signals or data to the information and communication network to process an illegal command.

malicious program
– Corresponds to the case of transmitting or distributing a program that may interfere with the operation of the system, data, or program by damaging, changing, or counterfeiting it without a justifiable reason.

– Applicable to damage to the information and communication network by a new method that did not belong to the above three types of crimes.

2. Crimes using information and communications networks

– Refers to cases in which information and communications networks are used as a major means of crime.


cyber scam
– The most common crime is direct transaction, shopping mall, game fraud, etc., in which victims extort money by deceiving users that they will provide goods or services through a computer.

cyber financial crime
– Crimes such as transferring funds from victims’ accounts and making micropayments include phishing, pharming, smishing, memory hacking, and body cam phishing.

Infringement of personal and location information
– It is a crime of infringement, theft, or leakage of digitized personal information using information and communication networks, and it is applicable when illegally collecting, using, or providing other people’s personal and location information by deceiving or not obtaining the user’s consent.

cyber piracy
– In case of infringement of the rights to digitized materials, copyrighted works or program copyrighted works.

cyber spam mail
– This applies when advertising information is transmitted or unacceptable technical measures related to it are taken.

– Crimes using information and communication networks other than the above cases apply.


3. Illegal content crime

– Distributing, selling, renting, or displaying goods, services, or information prohibited by law


cyber sexual assault
– In case of distributing, selling, leasing, etc. obscene code, words, sound, image or video

cyber gambling
– In the case of opening a gambling site or engaging in gambling, sports Toto and horse racing are representative examples.

Cyber defamation, insults and cyber stalking

– Illegal content crimes excluding the above crimes


How to report to the National Police Agency Cybercrime (Procedure)

National Police Agency-Cyber-Investigation Unit-Homepage-Report
Report on the National Police Agency Cybercrime website
If you have been victimized by the cybercrime mentioned above, you can access the website of the National Police Agency’s Cyber Investigation Team (https://ecrm.cyber.go.kr) and report it.

After accessing the website of the National Police Agency’s cybercrime team through the shortcut, click “Report” on the main screen. Guidelines for reporting to the Cyber Investigation Unit are provided, and even if you report online, you must visit the police station at least once to receive an investigation. You need to click “Confirm” to move on to the next step, check the consent to the collection of personal information, and proceed with authentication.


National Police Agency-Cyber-Investigation Unit-Report-Crime Type-Selection
Select Cybercrime Type
We will check whether it is an urgent crime or not, but when you report to the National Police Agency’s Cyber Investigation Unit, you must report only the cyber crimes mentioned above, not urgent cases. After that, you can select the type of crime you have been victimized by referring to the types of cyber crimes mentioned above.


National Police Agency-Cyber-Investigation Unit-Report-Evidence-Attachment
Cybercrime Evidence Submission
Upload your ID file and submit your evidence of cyber crime. As proof, if you have transferred, you can attach the transfer history, if you have exchanged conversations, etc. as a file and move on.

After that, you write your personal information and the personal information of the person who committed the cyber crime you know.


National Police Agency-Cyber-Investigation Unit-Report-Affidavit-Writing
Complete a Cyber Crime Statement (Summary of Damage)
The affidavit contains a number of cybercrime-related questions. If you do not know how to write, please state the truth within the information you know here. When you complete the statement, the report to the cybercrime team will be completed.


※ How to confirm receipt of a report to the Cyber Investigation Unit

– If you are curious about whether the information you submitted has been successfully received, you can check it through the main screen of the National Police Agency’s cybercrime homepage → My complaint → Report inquiry.


※ inquiry

– If you have any questions while reporting to the Cyber Investigation Unit, please call the civil complaint counseling number 182 (paid), and the counseling hours are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Also, in case of an emergency, you can call 112 (toll-free) without an area code.