살 빼는 방법 6 ways to lose belly fat in a week | GQ Korea

살 빼는 방법2022.10.21 Joo Hyun-wook

If you have to pay attention to your clothes ahead of an important event, you hate the bulging belly fat. If you set up a strict plan in your daily life and follow it well, anyone can make a drastically different body shape within a week.

🏃🏻‍♂️Drink water to lose belly fat
The habit of drinking water is very important. Water is always necessary for the body, but it is even more important to lose belly fat. Drinking water keeps your body hydrated, and the more you drink, the more full you feel and the less food you eat. In addition, drinking water on an empty stomach makes energy while breaking down fat, and supplies nutrients to muscles to activate metabolism.
🏃🏻‍♂️Loose belly fat with fiber foods
Fiber-containing foods prevent the increase in belly fat and are effective for weight loss. Foods such as herbs, mushrooms, beans, vegetables, and fruits absorb moisture during digestion to maintain a feeling of fullness, while actively promoting bowel movement, which helps with bowel movements and colon health. However, even among foods with a lot of fiber, depending on your constitution, a lot of gas can cause your stomach to look bulging, so you need to eat it properly.
🏃🏻‍♂️Lose belly fat with the right posture
Even if you stand up straight, you can look taller than you actually are and look 2kg lighter. Proper posture relaxes the pelvic muscles, pulls the lower part of the lower back forward, and tucks the hips in, lengthening the lumbar spine. In order to effectively lose belly fat, when you sit in a chair, you should sit with your back straight, feeling as if you are pulling the top of your head toward the ceiling without touching your back to the backrest.
🏃🏻‍♂️Loose belly fat with aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise, which anyone can easily do without any exercise equipment, is the fastest way to get rid of belly fat in the abdomen. In particular, it helps to lose weight on the side, and there is nothing like aerobic exercise to burn body fat and increase muscle mass throughout the body. It maintains heart health and improves lung function. Experts also cite aerobic exercise as the first effective way to lose belly fat.
🏃🏻‍♂️ Lose belly fat with core exercises
In general, core muscles refer to more than 15 muscles, such as the back, abdomen, buttocks, and pelvic muscles. In order to exercise the abs, it is good to target this part and exercise. These include side plank, push-up, climbing, and bridge exercises, and exercise for 3 minutes each day three times. .
🏃🏻‍♂️ Lose belly fat with a journal
Most people only care about their diet and don’t know specifically what they eat during the day. Keeping a journal from the day you committed to losing belly fat will help you avoid repeating these mistakes. You don’t have to write down every food or exercise log. It’s also good to focus on figuring out what you eat and how many times you exercise each day.
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