생리주기 빨라짐 Why does your menstrual cycle get faster? Do you have two periods a month? Let’s find out the causes of accelerated menstrual cycle

생리주기 빨라짐Causes of having two periods in a month include:
1. One-time abnormal phenomenon
People sometimes have periods twice a month. The menstrual cycle may become shorter. Afterwards, the menstrual cycle may return to normal.
2. Young age
Irregular menstrual cycles occur when menstruation has just started. This is a common occurrence in young people. People tend to be shorter or sometimes shorter during puberty. Menstrual cycles tend to get longer, which can lead to two periods per month. Hormone levels fluctuate greatly during adolescence. Young people A person’s menstrual cycle can take about six years to become regular after menstruation begins.
3. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is when tissue similar to uterine tissue grows in other parts of the body. Endometriosis can cause abdominal pain, unusual cramps, irregularities, and bleeding. Sometimes bleeding can look like a menstrual period. Your doctor can diagnose endometriosis by doing an internal examination and ultrasound. But a small surgery called a laparoscopy is the only definitive way to diagnose my condition.
4. Menopause
Hormones change before and after menopause. It refers to the period leading to menopause. Menopause can last up to 10 years. During that period, people skip periods, either long or short, and experience heavy or light bleeding or often irregular menstrual cycles. A person who has not had a period for 12 consecutive months is menopausal.
5. Thyroid disease
The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating hormonal processes in the body. A small butterfly-shaped gland is located just in front of the neck. It regulates functions such as body temperature and metabolism. Irregular menstrual cycles have been linked to thyroid problems. This is a common symptom. This applies to both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in eight women will have a thyroid problem in their lifetime. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include: feeling cold all the time, constipated, and tired. I feel it. In some cases, heavy menstrual bleeding, pale skin, puffy face, slow heart rate, unexplained weight gain. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include: feeling hot all the time, bulging eyes, diarrhea or frequent bowel movements, trouble sleeping, irritation, and rapid bowel movements. heart rate, unexplained weight loss
6. Uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids are tumors that develop in the uterus. Fibroids are usually not cancerous, but they may bleed. They can cause severe menstrual bleeding. Symptoms of fibroids include: pelvic fullness or pressure, frequent urination, back pain, and pain during intercourse.
7. Extreme stress
High levels of stress can disrupt hormonal changes and timing in the body. Because hormones that stimulate the ovaries stimulate ovulation every time, stress may be the cause.
When a doctor’s diagnosis is needed
Menstruation occurs twice a month for 2 to 3 months. In addition, the patient suffers from severe bleeding, such as blood clots larger than a quarter the size of blood clots or bleeding through more than one pad or tampon every hour. You should talk to your doctor about bleeding.Other physiological symptoms you should talk to your doctor about include: fainting sensation, pain or bleeding during intercourse, pelvic pain, difficulty breathing, and weight gain or loss.Bleeding if your period is too heavy. You may become anemic and have low blood cell counts. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor.
This is Rosamar’s blog.
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