서울시 소상공인 지원금 신청방법 및 지급조건 How to apply for the Seoul Small Business Support Fund and payment conditions

hello. Today, I will post about how to apply for the ‘Small Business Support Employment Subsidy’, a project of Seoul City. Those who qualify can receive 3 million won per hired worker, so please read it once.

Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul

Support target, condition, period
●How to apply
The Seoul Metropolitan Government has announced that it will start a small business support employment incentive project. The Small Business Support Employment Subsidy Project provides KRW 3 million per person when small business owners hire new employees in 2023. The Seoul Metropolitan Government invests a total budget of KRW 6.1 billion to support labor costs for about 2,000 new employees.


서울시 소상공인 지원금

서울시 소상공인 지원금


You can apply for the subsidy for supporting employment if you have maintained employment for more than 3 months after hiring. If you maintain employment insurance for another 3 months after application, payment will be determined.


If you hired a new employee in January 2023 and have maintained the employment so far, you can apply at the point where three months of employment have passed in April. If you maintain employment insurance until June after an additional three months, you will receive employment incentives in July.


The support project for employment promotion begins on April 3, 2023, and ends when the budget is exhausted.

Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul
Support target, condition, period
-Applicable Target: Small businesses in Seoul

– Details of support: 3 million won in employment incentives per newly hired worker in 2023 (up to 10 employees per company)

-Application conditions: 6 months of employment after hiring new employees in 2023 (based on employment insurance)

▶ Application is possible after 3 months of employment, and employment insurance is maintained for 3 months after application


※ There are also those who are excluded from support, so please refer to the information below.

Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul
●How to apply
-Application period: 2023. 4. 3 (Mon) ~ until budget is exhausted

-How to apply: On-site visit to the autonomous district where the company is located, e-mail, mail, fax, etc.

-Payment schedule: Based on April application

▶ Confirmation of employment insurance maintenance: 2023.6.30 ~

▶ Payment of employment incentives: 2023.7. ~

▶ Inspection and refund of fraudulent double collection: 2023.7. ~


You can download each document application by accessing the link below and scrolling down a little.


Support for Small Business Support Employment Subsidies

The Seoul Metropolitan Government will provide 3 million won in employment incentives for each newly hired worker in 2023 to restore the livelihood of small business owners.


Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul

Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul

Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul

Employment subsidy for small business owners in Seoul
※Inquiry phone

– Seoul Job Policy Division (02-120, 02-2133-9341, 5395)

– Autonomous district job related department (refer to the picture above)


As it is a government subsidized system, it would be a good idea to apply if you are eligible for support. It seems that you have experienced a lot of difficulties in running a business for a living since Corona 19 worsened. As outdoor activities are restricted and people’s wallets are closed due to this, small business owners must have had difficulty maintaining their livelihood.


Now, as regulations from Corona 19 have been somewhat eased and people have resumed their footsteps, the government has come up with a support project called the Small Business Support Employment Subsidy for those who are still cautious about hiring workers.


I would like you to read the ‘subsidy for unpaid leave workers’ mentioned in the previous post.

1.5 million won support for small businesses for workers on unpaid leave in Seoul