We will share with you our reviews on the cost of Cesco for homes such as 10 pyeong, 20 pyeong, and 30 pyeong, as well as visit consultations and actual quarantine. One-line conclusion: Don’t suffer like me, and leave the cockroaches to the experts.
cesco house cost
cesco house cost
Steps before calling Cesco
The reason I called Sesco
Cesco visit consultation review
Cesc house price
Cesco quarantine review
The apartment I moved to this time is a 30-year-old Jugong apartment in a certain area in Seoul. A few days after we moved, while cleaning out the warehouse, something fell over my head.
I brushed my hair with my hands without thinking, and it felt strange. When I saw the place that fell apart.. I get goosebumps even while I was writing this.. Teacher Bar was living with us at our house.
teacher bar
teacher bar
Steps before calling Cesco
Goosebumps all over my body.. 100% chance that Mr. Bar will disappear while taking the Efkila.. etc. Many thoughts come to my mind and at the same time, my hand goes to the book next to me, and fortunately, I can evict Mr. Bar. 세스코 가정집 비용
But, did Mr. Bar have the right to request a contract renewal? A few days later, Mr. Bar appeared again at our house. In warehouses, sinks, bathrooms, etc. 좋은뉴스
First of all, the method I tried was a cockroach repellent called Fkilla and Mac X Force. The cockroaches seemed to disappear after about a month of spraying repellent on the places where Mr. Bar came and went and where he might be.
Then one night…
The reason I called Sesco
I woke up on the way to the bathroom. Passing through the chewy living room and rushing to the bathroom, we felt a “squeak” sound and an unimaginable sense of alienation under our feet.
My rough thoughts and anxious feelings and me watching them ♬
OTL.. Evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes.. I stepped on Mr. Bar… I still get goosebumps.
I came to know Sesco because I thought that I could not live like this.
Cesco visit consultation review
After reviewing various reviews before applying for in-person consultations, I was able to apply without any hesitation as they only provide price and service information for in-person consultations, and that they do not offer a burdensome business to apply immediately.
The question I was most curious about before receiving the consultation was whether the free visit service provides pest control. Unfortunately, the free visit service is only available for consultation.
On weekdays, there was no time due to the company, so I was able to visit and receive counseling on Saturday. Please note that we are closed on Sundays and public holidays.
The driver came and explained things, especially the cockroach behavior was strange.
Cockroaches are omnivores and are referred to as earthworms. So they eat and vomit, and other cockroaches eat what they vomit. It is said that when cockroaches take drugs, they go to their habitat and vomit, which other cockroaches eat and die.
In particular, male cockroaches hunt for food, and if the male dies after taking the cockroach drug, other cockroaches eat the dead male cockroach because there is no food and die in a chain.
For the same reason as above, medicine is the most important for cockroaches, but the driver said that he was proud of the fact that the medicine is very effective because of the high price of Cesco.
You can apply for a visit to Cesco through the call center and the website. We recommend that you contact the call center as there are many things to write about on the website. (※ Cesco Call Center: 1588-1119)
Contents to be filled out at the time of online application
Contents to be filled out at the time of online application
Cesc house price
The price of Cesco is not open on the website. The actual price may vary depending on the housing environment in which you live, the type of pests you live in, and the structure of your home, so we recommend that you get a free consultation to find out.
The amount below is the basic amount I was informed when I received the consultation, and the amount is divided by the number of square feet.
Less than 10 pyeong: Initial eradication service 160,000 + regular maintenance fee 22,000 per month
30 pyeong or less: Initial eradication service 197,000 + regular maintenance fee 26,000 per month
40 pyeong or less: Initial eradication service 225,000 + regular maintenance fee 28,000 per month
50 pyeong or less: Initial eradication service 249,000 + regular maintenance fee 310,000 per month
Our house is 33 pyeong, and we paid a little over 200,000 won for the initial cost.
cockroach eradication
The amount consists of the initial treatment service and regular maintenance fee, and the regular maintenance service after the initial eradication service is optional. For reference, only customers who have applied for the initial eradication service can sign up for the regular maintenance fee.
Cesco quarantine review
Unlike other visiting drivers, Sesco driver was very concerned about cleanliness. He disinfected his hands and came in wearing socks on his feet.
Caesco Knight 1
Caesco Knight’s Kitchen
The first thing he did when he came was to check the places where cockroaches come out, check the roads the cockroaches travel through, and check the holes that can enter from the outside, and then put medicines in every nook and corner.
Caesco Knight 2
Caesco knight’s bathroom
The driver said that if you ever see a live cockroach, don’t catch it. It is said that live cockroaches will take medicine, but only when this cockroach goes to the habitat and dies, other cockroaches also die.
And I’m telling you never to use the Efkila I was using. It is said that cockroaches do not take medicine because of the smell.
It has been about 2 months since I received the service, and there are still no cockroaches in the house. If you have cockroaches in your house, please do not step on cockroaches at night like me, and leave it to a professional.