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소액생계비대출 추가대출Small living expenses loan is a loan product provided by the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency and is a financial service for people with low credit or low income. This loan product is a system that allows people with bad credit or delinquent payments to use it and solve their financial problems.
Additional loans for small living expenses are available if you faithfully pay interest for 6 months after receiving the first loan. A second additional loan is available only when the first 500,000 won has been received.
To apply, you must meet the conditions of an annual income of less than 35 million won and a credit score of less than the bottom 20%. In addition, you may be able to receive additional funds for specific purposes, such as rent, medical expenses, or education expenses.
To apply, you can use the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency app or visit the center. If you apply through the app, you can get a loan on the same day, and you can apply for an additional loan through non-face-to-face consultation.
Additional loans are available up to 1 million won, and the loan interest rate is 15.9%. Consistent repayers can see their interest rates reduced by 3% every six months, down to as low as 9.9%. The loan is repaid in one year at maturity.
In order to receive an additional loan, you must submit basic documents, and additional documents may be required for specific purposes such as housing expenses, medical expenses, and education expenses.

Additional loans for small living expenses are loan products that can help you in financially difficult situations. When applying, it is important to check the loan limit that matches your credit score and income before applying.
Detailed information about additional loans for small living expenses and how to apply can be found on the official website or app of the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency. For detailed inquiries, please contact the Korea Inclusive Finance Agency’s call center.
Please also check the frequently asked questions and precautions regarding small living expenses loans.
Additional loans for small living expenses are an important means of financial support that empowers the common people. We hope that you can escape from financial difficulties through small living expenses loans available with government support.
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Find out about the credit union 815 loan interest rate limit conditions.
Let’s learn about the interest rate and limit conditions for the Credit Union 815 loan. 신협 815대출은 신협이 고리사채로 지키기 위해 제공하는 중금리 대출 상품입니다. 이 대출 상품은 고금리 대출로 고통받고 있는

소액생계비대출 추가대출은 첫 번째 대출을 받은 후 6개월 동안 이자를 성실하게 납부한 경우에 가능합니다. 또한, 최초 50만원을 받은 경우에만 추가대출을 신청할 수 있습니다.
When applying for an additional loan, you basically need documents such as ID, copy of resident registration, proof of employment, and withholding tax receipt. Additionally, additional documentation may be required for specific purposes. For example, if you need funds for monthly rent, you will need related documents such as a monthly rental agreement or real estate.

소액생계비대출 추가대출
