시스템에어컨 설치비용 System air conditioner installation prices vary widely. : Kliang

시스템에어컨 설치비용Usually, four devices are installed in the 30 pyeong area.
The outdoor unit is usually 5 or 4 horsepower. It is not common for all air conditioners to be turned on at the same time, so we agree on about 4 horsepower.
If this is the case, the machine value is approximately 300.. This is a fix..
Next is the installation cost.
Installation costs include plumbing installation, electrical work, carpentry work, and papering.
It stretches like a rubber band.
As I searched for some reason, a place appeared saying they would install it for 3.9 million won.
(Later, I looked it up and it was installed in the house I was trying to sign with, but the plumbing is messed up and there is condensation on the plumbing…)
The way I found out was to at least look for a certified company.
If you go to the homepage of Samsung or LG Electronics, there is a list of certified companies by region on the system air conditioner related page.
Since I am Changwon, I wanted to come to Changwon and Gimhae to install it, so I called everyone and paid the approximate cost.
I selected a few of them and requested an estimate. The estimate ranged from 490 to 780.
Since I have to go to total interior anyway, I decided to do the construction and electricity, such as the lowering of the steps, at the interior company.
After considering this part, I re-estimated and signed a contract for around 500.
I know that usually when you sign a contract, you get a down payment, but the company I signed a contract with pays 70% when the goods come in, and after the installation is completed and the test operation is done, check whether the cold air comes out well.
After checking that the water drained well, he asked me to pay 30%.
They say that almost all companies do this.
Since it was my first time using it, it fell from the water cooling outlet during test operation, so I contacted you and came right away..
If you open the door and operate it when the humidity is high, condensation may fall. Fortunately, there was no water dripping when all the doors were turned.
I haven’t used it yet, but I think it’s good
Surprisingly, it is very difficult to install plumbing and additional outdoor units in the room next to the kitchen, which always exists in apartments, so there are only window types available other than system air conditioners.
For that reason, I also did the system while I was under construction.

To summarize:
1. The installation cost structure is mechanical cost < plumbing cost + electrical cost + carpentry cost + papering cost 2. It seems safe to look for certified companies listed on the homepage. 3. It seems that you can choose the appropriate level, excluding the lowest and highest estimates from several companies. 4. There are single pipe and multi pipe. Single pipe is easy to install and has a neat finish, but if one is broken, all of them can be unusable. In multi-piping, the outdoor unit part is complicated with piping and the indoor construction can be large, but there is no case that one part is broken and the other one cannot be used. 5. It is not cheap to install system air conditioner through an interior company. 6 It seems that Samsung is about 20% cheaper than LG..

시스템에어컨 설치비용

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