신호위반 카메라 벌금 Signal Violation Camera Search Method Penalty Fine Yellow Light Red Light Criteria

신호위반 카메라 벌금You can access the ‘National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24’ homepage on the Internet or in the app, or search in the app.
Signal Violation Inquiry Method

1. Traffic complaint 24 access

2. Traffic fines and negligence menu → Unpaid details inquiry → Enter recent crackdown details
Check the latest crackdown details on the National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24 website

3. Simple authentication (Naver or Kakao)
4. Vehicle number inquiry
Immediately after being caught for signal violation, it does not appear in the search history. It can be confirmed after 3-4 days from the time of crackdown. For reference, crackdown records by unmanned equipment are displayed for less than 1 year, and fines or penalties can be checked for up to 5 years.

The difference between fines and fines is the presence or absence of penalty points. For example, if you are caught with an unmanned enforcement camera, you will not be penalized because the identity of the driver cannot be secured. However, if you are caught by the traffic police, you can immediately check your identity, so the driver is given additional penalty points.
For reference, fines and negligence fines are doubled for speeding or traffic violations in child protection areas such as school zones.

Let’s see how enforcement cameras recognize violating vehicles. If you look at the stop line, there is a marker with a line drawn in the shape of a square box.
This is where the loop detectors are buried, one on the side of the stop line and one more outside the stop line. When a vehicle passes over the detector, the sensor recognizes the vehicle and the camera tracks the vehicle to enforce enforcement.
loop detector sensor location

According to Article 6 Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Rules of the Road Traffic Act, when a yellow light is on, you must stop right before the intersection when there is a stop line or crosswalk, but if you intentionally enter the intersection, you must proceed out of the intersection quickly.
You must not cross the stop line if you have not stepped on the line when the light is yellow. However, even if you cross the stop line on a yellow light, you will not be caught by a speed camera.

Even if the red light signal turns on, the sensor does not work immediately. The value varies depending on the traffic situation, the size of the intersection, etc. For example, if it is set to 0.5 seconds, if it does not pass the stop line within 0.5 seconds after the red light changes, it is first recognized as a vehicle capable of violating.
After that, if the vehicle passes through the signal violation baseline set at the center of the intersection, the vehicle number is transmitted to the traffic control center and a fine for violation of the signal is imposed. In other words, the violation is determined based on the point at which the reference line passes at the center of the intersection.
red light before stop line

If you step on the stop line at a red light and wait for a traffic signal, you are not subject to traffic violation criteria. As described above, there are a total of two loop detectors, and the sensor operates after stepping on the second last detector sensor.

In other words, the sensor works only when you step on the second detector, so there is a high probability that you will not be caught by unmanned enforcement if you are stopped while stepping on the stop line.
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So far, we have looked at how to check the signal violation camera, the amount of the fine, and whether the signal was caught by the enforcement camera when the signal passed through a yellow light or a red light.
Even if you cross the stop line at a yellow light, you will not be caught unconditionally. Please inquire after 3 to 4 days from the day you suspect a signal violation to see if it was captured by a police camera.

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