쏘카 이용방법 Rent a car when you need it! How to use Socar and find out the price

쏘카 이용방법How to use Socar

Install the Socar app and proceed with registration. The standard for subscription is 21 years of age or older, and you can sign up only when you have acquired a driver’s license for at least one year. You will need a payment card and driver’s license to proceed with registration.

Socar installation

Select the date and time of use.

Sokai usage time

If you select Call Socar here or click the car magnifying glass button at the top to select the vehicle you want, the Soca Zone will be displayed on the map.

Find Soca Zone

Arrive at the designated Socar Zone at the scheduled time, find the car through the emergency lights and horn, check the exterior and take a picture. There is no separate vehicle key, and it can be used to open/lock the door through the app.

Socar Smart Key

Inside the Socar vehicle, a navigation system and a high-pass are installed, and there is a separate fuel card, so you can use the card provided when you need fuel.

Soka Gas Card

[Socar App->Smart Key->Return]
You must use the vehicle within the reservation time and return it to the return location specified at the time of reservation. If returned to another location, penalties and other charges may apply. Just press the return button through the app and confirm the payment amount. If you return it more than 10 minutes early, 50% of the fee and insurance premium for the remaining time will be paid as a usable credit like cash. Also, when returning the vehicle, please return it with more than 50% of the gas amount, and a penalty of 10,000 won will be imposed if the vehicle is returned with the fuel shortage warning light on.

Returning Socar

[Socar App -> Smart Key -> Extend]
If you want to extend the time beyond the reserved time, click Extend to extend by 10/30/60 minutes. Discounts such as coupons are not applied to the amount incurred through extension.

penalty occurs
Less than 30 minutes from the end of the reservation time: 10,000 won and delayed service charge
More than 30 minutes: KRW 10,000 and doubled delay service charge
In order to change the reservation, you can change it through [Socar App -> Menu -> Usage History -> Select Reservation Details -> Change -> Advance the rental time or extend the return time].
Rates are calculated based on rental rates, insurance premiums, and driving fees, and they differ depending on weekdays, weekends, and vehicle types, so you should check when using them. If you access the link below, you can check the daily rental fee and driving fee for each Socar vehicle type.

Socar carries out regular car washing and sterilization using ethanol, and safety wipes with antibacterial effects are provided in the vehicle. When using it, wipe the contact area with a safe wet tissue, and it is recommended to wear a mask even when driving a vehicle. And it is absolutely non-smoking inside the vehicle, so you must observe it.

So far, we have looked at how to use Socar, which can be borrowed when you need a car, and the fee. It is said that using shared vehicles in this way has the effect of reducing and suppressing 8.5 passenger cars per vehicle, saving more than KRW 28.9 billion in household expenditure annually, and reducing about 486 tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. It seems to be a useful service that can have a good effect on the environment and economy. I hope this article will help many people!


쏘카 이용방법
