알레르기 비염 예방 및 치료방법 (feat.원인증상) Allergic rhinitis prevention and treatment method (feat. Certificate of cause)

We will inform you in detail about the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. There are many people who suffer from allergic rhinitis as the season changes in spring. If you have any of the symptoms I am telling you today, please visit a hospital and receive medical treatment.


allergic rhinitis symptoms

Allergic rhinitis is a disease that causes various symptoms due to an inflammatory reaction occurring in the respiratory tract and around the eyes. In this article, we will tell you in detail about 10 symptoms of allergic rhinitis.


Allergic rhinitis symptoms – sneezing
Sneezing, one of the representative symptoms of allergic rhinitis, occurs when allergens that irritate the nose are exposed to the nasal mucosa. There are sensory nerves in the mucous membrane of the nose, and exposure to allergens stimulates the nerves and causes sneezing.

알레르기 비염 예방


알레르기 비염 예방


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Allergic rhinitis symptoms – stuffy nose
Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory reaction to the nasal mucosa and areas around the nose. This causes the nasal mucosa to swell, resulting in nasal congestion. Symptoms of nasal congestion vary depending on the degree of swelling of the nasal mucosa.


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Allergic rhinitis symptoms – nasal swelling
Allergic rhinitis causes swelling of the area around the nose due to an inflammatory response. Nasal swelling occurs with nasal congestion and can cause pain around the nose.


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Allergic rhinitis symptoms – nasal itching
When the nasal mucosa is irritated due to allergic rhinitis, symptoms of itching appear in the nose. Patients with allergic rhinitis may develop a habit of scratching their nose frequently.


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Allergic rhinitis symptoms – nasal discharge
Patients with allergic rhinitis show symptoms of increased nasal secretions as the nasal mucosa is stimulated. Nasal discharge is caused by an inflammatory reaction in the nasal mucosa and around the nose, and patients with allergic rhinitis often experience discomfort due to nasal secretions.


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Allergic rhinitis symptoms – itchy eyes
Allergic rhinitis causes an inflammatory reaction around the eyes, resulting in itchy eyes. Inflammatory reactions around the eye can also affect the conjunctiva of the eye, resulting in eye conjunctivitis.


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Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis – Eye swelling
Allergic rhinitis causes an inflammatory reaction around the eyes, causing swelling of the eyes. Eye puffiness occurs when the area around the eye swells and can cause pain around the eye.


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Allergic rhinitis symptoms – itchy eyes
When an inflammatory reaction occurs around the eyes due to allergic rhinitis, the symptoms of itching appear. Itchy eyes are caused by an inflammatory reaction around the eyes, which is caused by frequent rubbing of the eyes.


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Allergic rhinitis symptoms – sore throat
When allergic rhinitis causes an inflammatory reaction in the throat, a sore throat can occur. A sore throat is a condition caused by an inflammatory reaction around the throat, which can cause pain around the throat.


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Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis – Fatigue
Patients with allergic rhinitis often feel fatigued while not getting adequate sleep due to allergic rhinitis. As symptoms such as nasal congestion, nasal secretion, and itchy eyes persist due to allergic rhinitis, fatigue can become more severe if adequate sleep is not obtained.


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As such, allergic rhinitis is a disease that deteriorates the quality of life due to various symptoms occurring around the nose and eyes. Therefore, if symptoms persist, it is recommended to visit a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.



Here are 10 symptoms of allergic rhinitis.