연체기록 조회 Arrangement of overdue record search method and record deletion period

연체기록 조회

If you’re an adult, you’ve probably realized the importance of managing your credit rating, and the worst thing that can happen to it is a late payment, when you don’t pay your bills on time. I’ve been on the verge of doing just that when I opened a credit card and overspent, and I’ve done everything I could to improve my rating.


There are many benefits to having a higher credit rating, but when you’re looking for a house or need money in a hurry, a higher rating means you can borrow more money at a lower rate than other people, and conversely, a lower rating means you can borrow less money at a higher rate. It’s tempting to just use a debit card that’s purely your own money, but it’s not a good idea to just use a debit card because the financial system needs a track record of borrowing and paying back loans or credit cards to evaluate your credit. 닥터규의 정보도서관


If you’ve ever missed a payment on a credit card or borrowed money on time, it’s worth checking your credit history to see when it’s removed, so you know when it’s a good idea to take out your next big loan or credit transaction, or if you still have outstanding debt, it’s better for your future to pay it off sooner rather than later.


Learn how to check your late payment history



1. you can do a free credit check for non-members nationwide without signing up, and you can verify your identity and check your current credit rating and delinquency history.


연체기록 조회

2. Agree to all the required terms and conditions and click the Verify Your Identity tab.



3, Enter your name and social security number to verify your identity. [Mobile phone, credit card, public certificate].



4. Check your default information and short-term delinquency history.



5. Check your loan, guarantee, and short-term card loan information.



6. Check my credit score factors below to see where you have negative factors, which can help you improve your score.

Find out how long it takes to remove each type of late payment.
Delinquency Type Delinquency Length of time kept
Short-term delinquencies 5+ days to less than 90 days 3 years
Long-term 90+ days to 5 years
All records identified by the late payment search are over $100,000. It’s a common misconception that late payments of even small amounts are bad because they stay on your record, but if you don’t owe more than $100,000, they won’t stay on your record. If you owe more than $100,000 and it’s been 5 days, it will be kept for at least 3 years, and if you go over 90 days, it will be kept for 5 years.


During this period, your credit rating will continue to be affected, and your loan terms will be disadvantaged because it can be searched by banks. Also, some people think that the start date of the storage period is from the date of delinquency, but this is incorrect. All delinquent accounts start the storage period from the day they are paid in full, and the delinquency record is deleted only after the end of the short-term and long-term periods, so it is recommended that you pay it off quickly for the future.