인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법 How to find lost items at Incheon Airport

How to find lost items at Incheon Airport

인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법

I was waiting at Incheon International Airport to go to Indonesia before, and I boarded the plane with Trek Air (bone conduction earphones) in place right before boarding.

I just found out about it when I got off at the Jakarta airport… What was that feeling at that time…

인천공항 분실물 찾는 방법

Incheon Airport has a daily floating population of over 300,000, and is a space where nearly 1,000 companies and their permanent employees stay. I think there will probably be hundreds of lost items found every day.





Let’s take a look at what to do if you lose something at Incheon Airport.





Depending on where the item was lost, the place to contact will be different.






Passenger terminal and concourse, transportation center public area, curbside and parking area, etc.
▶ Receive a loss report at the airport lost and found office (website or phone)



1) Homepage

www.lost112.go.kr (National Police Agency lost and found portal)


Source: National Police Agency lost and found integrated portal


2) Lost and found office hours, contact information and location

Source: Incheon International Airport website






Bonded areas such as duty-free shops, boarding gates, and arrival halls
▶ Customs Personal Items Division


1) Homepage (You can search for lost items at the Korea Customs Service’s ‘Traveler’s Lost Property Search’)



Source: Korea Customs Service homepage


2) Lost and Found

Passenger Terminal 1 : 032)722-4426

Passenger Terminal 2 : 032)723-5133







in the plane
You will need to contact the airline you used.






Airport Bus and Airport Railroad
Airport Limousine : 032-743-7607

KAL Limousine: 0-2667-0386

Airport Railroad : 032-745-7777

Local Bus Lost and Found: 1577-2600










How to Receive Lost Items
(When the lost place is the first place, such as the passenger terminal and concourse, transportation center public area, curbside and parking area)


1) Item collection is based on personal visit, and you must bring your ID card and know your lost item registration number.


2) If you want courier / proxy pickup / quick service, you can download and fill out the power of attorney form from the site below.




Incheon Airport Homepage Power of Attorney Download Screen






I bought the same Trek Air with tears in my eyes. The money I lost at that time was 190,000 won, which is so sad. I contacted them, but they said they didn’t come.

Maybe it caught my eye, so someone took it…




The best thing is to take good care of your items, right?


Hope you find something!!



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