임신출산진료비 [1-minute welfare information] Pregnancy voucher (pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses) increased to 1 million won! | Welfare Information Center | Welfare News | Seongnam Welfare Connection

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What is the ‘Pregnancy and Childbirth Medical Expense Support System’?
In order to reduce the burden of medical expenses related to pregnancy and childbirth and create a childbirth-friendly environment, this is a system that supports a voucher service that can be used to pay out-of-pocket medical expenses (covered/non-covered) related to pregnancy and childbirth.​

This year, 2022, especially,
▲ Target ▲ Amount ▲ Period of use ▲ Scope of use has been greatly expanded.

[Support target]
If you are ① a pregnant woman* and ② a legal representative of an infant under 2 years old​*​, you can apply for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses.
*A pregnant woman who has applied for support for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses as a health insurance subscriber (or dependent) whose pregnancy has been confirmed with the 「Health Insurance Pregnancy and Childbirth Medical Expenses Support Application and Pregnancy Confirmation」
※ Those who did not apply during pregnancy (including miscarriages and stillbirths) can also apply (applies to those who gave birth after September 19, 2017)
※From July 1, 2019, ectopic pregnancy is also included in miscarriage.
※ Adolescent mothers under the age of 19 can apply for support for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses at the same time (notice revised on February 16, 2021)

[Support amount]
– Pregnancy with one child ▶ 1 million won
– Pregnancy with multiple children ▶ 1.4 million won
– An additional 200,000 won will be provided if you live in a vulnerable area for childbirth.
※ Applies to applications for pregnancy and childbirth medical expenses after the system implementation date (January 1, 2022).

​[Scope of use] The subsidy is paid in the form of an electronic voucher (National Happiness Card), and can be used for all medical expenses and the purchase of medications and treatment materials.
[Period of use] Can be used for up to 2 years from the start date of use.
– Use start date: Voucher issuance date
– Use end date: (Application before childbirth) 2 years from the expected date of delivery / (Application after childbirth) 2 years from the date of birth (miscarriage/stillbirth)

[How to apply]
Apply online or in person at the National Health Insurance Corporation (☎1577-1000) or a dedicated financial institution (card company, bank), etc.

(Application for visit)
Bring the “Health Insurance Pregnancy/Childbirth Medical Expense Support Application and Pregnancy Confirmation Certificate” issued by the hospital/clinic, then visit a branch of the National Health Insurance Corporation, a dedicated financial institution (card company, bank), community center, or public health center (applicable only for pregnancy). Application *If you receive confirmation of pregnancy/birth online, you do not need to bring documents​

(Online application)
The hospital/clinic enters pregnancy confirmation information on the National Health Insurance Corporation website.
Pregnant women apply directly through the National Health Insurance Corporation website/app, dedicated financial institutions (card companies, banks), Government 24, etc.

※ Voucher-only financial institution (card company/bank) reception desk
IBK Industrial Bank, NH Nonghyup, Woori Bank,
Suhyup Bank, Post Office, SC Bank, Daegu Bank,
Busan Bank, Gyeongnam Bank, Jeju Bank, Jeonbuk Bank, Gwangju Bank branches nationwide
Lotte Department Store Card Center, Lotte Card Branch, Industrial Complex
Department store (Shinsegae, Sei) customer center
and regional group membership center, Saemaeul Geumgo, Samsung Card branch, and industrial complex
KB Kookmin Card and
KB Kookmin Bank branches nationwide
Shinhan Card and
Shinhan Bank branches nationwide

#The age for child allowance support has also been expanded.

#This is a new family policy starting in 2022.

#Starting from 2022, we will further ease the burden of childcare.

○ Coverage: Seongnam City Welfare Information Correspondent Kim Gyeong-ah, ‘Dasumpia’

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