자대배치조회 및 신병부대배치조회(육군,해군,공군,해병대) Unit placement inquiry and new unit placement inquiry (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps)

This time, we will introduce how to check Air Force unit deployment. In the case of the Air Force, you can enjoy a more comfortable military life than the Army, but it has longer training times than the Army.



Generally, the Army has a service period of 18 months, and the Air Force has a service period that is 3 months longer at 21 months. Additionally, if you take the test to work in the Air Force, you have the great advantage of being able to go to a base near your home, except in the metropolitan area.


In addition, there may be an effect of the 3-month longer service period, but since it provides more than 40 more vacation days than the army and provides performance-based overnight vacation every 6 weeks, you can take long-term vacations surprisingly often.


The training also has a relatively comfortable training intensity rather than difficult training such as the Army’s cold weather. Additional points are given for work done outside of work hours, and if additional points are accumulated, vacation is provided.


Because of these various advantages, there are still many people who choose to serve in the Air Force. If you apply to the Air Force, you will receive only basic military training and will be immediately assigned to your unit. This unit assignment can also be checked on the Internet.


From now on, I will introduce you to a detailed method of checking Air Force unit deployment.



Image depicting text on how to check Air Force unit assignment

How to check Air Force unit assignment
1. Access the official website of the Air Force Training Command.

2. Click on the ‘Enlistment Screening/Assignment Inquiry’ icon from the menu displayed on the main screen of the homepage.

Air Force homepage main screen
3. When you check the menu on the left, click the ‘Check delivery results’ item that appears.

4. You can simply check your unit placement by entering your ‘name and resident registration number (last digit)’ in the assignment inquiry menu and then selecting the ‘Confirm’ button.

Air Force assignment result inquiry screen

Air Force unit assignment inquiry notice

1. In the case of Air Force unit assignment, the assignment location is determined by considering the educational performance (basic military training + special education) and the applicant’s desired assignment location.

2. The date and time of assignment disclosure can be confirmed after 18:00 on the training completion date for each specialty, but may change depending on unit circumstances.

3. In the case of the criteria for determining the place of assignment, ‘your preference (3 wishes) > comprehensive rank (50% military rank + 50% specialty rank) > If the desired place of assignment is the same (determined by the person with the highest overall rank) > the same overall rank (determined by the person with the highest specialty education score) )’ is determined in order.

4. 3 If the assignment location is not determined by the desired time, you will be assigned to a nearby area based on your hometown based on academic performance among the remaining units.

5. In the case of specialized special forces (language, military studies, special missions, information protection, content production, military chaplain, military training), written, practical, and interview scores are all taken into consideration.