자동차 명의 변경 Required documents for changing the name of a car (registration of transfer between another person and family, agency, cost?)

자동차 명의 변경Required documents for changing the name of a car (transfer of name between another person or family member, agency, cost?)

The official name is vehicle transfer registration, which means that when the ownership of a vehicle is changed through inheritance, sale, public sale, auction, etc., the transferee applies for registration of ownership transfer within a specified period.
The deadline for changing the name of a car must be completed within the specified period according to the type below.
Documents required for vehicle name change

[Vehicle name change deadline]
Documents required for vehicle name change

If the transfer registration is delayed, a fine of 100,000 won within 10 days, and 10,000 won per day after 10 days, up to 500,000 won will be imposed.

The difference between fines and negligence fines

There are several documents required for changing the name of a car depending on sales, inheritance, auction, public sale, commercial vehicle, etc.
You can check the transfer registration application form by downloading it from the attachment below.

[Common Required Documents]

[Change of trading name]
Documents required for vehicle name change

[Court Auction Name Change/Documents Transferring Judgment]

[Inheritance name change]
Legal inheritance ratio (parents, spouse, son, daughter-in-law?)

[Change of vehicle name for commercial use]

[Other name changes]
Benefits and conditions of purchase when purchasing a vehicle for the disabled (by grade)

In the case of a name change between family members, if it is not an inheritance, you need to prepare common ownership documents and a change of sales name.

When changing the name of a car, certain fees and taxes are incurred.
Vehicle value inquiry (vehicle value standard table)

A change of vehicle name can be applied for by an agent or proxy, such as an employee of the company or a family member.
When using a professional agency as an agent, the amount varies from region to region, but agency fees such as 50,000 won to 100,000 won usually occur.

If you use an agent or an agent, you can change the agent by additionally preparing a power of attorney with the transferee’s seal, a copy of the transferee’s identification card (corporate seal certificate), an agent’s identification card, and a transfer certificate (with a seal stamped in the special agreement section for the transferee).

Power of Attorney Form Free (download)

Vehicle name transfer registration application

You can download the vehicle transfer registration application form below and refer to it when changing your name.

[Transfer Registration Application]

Transfer Registration Application (Vehicle Registration Rules).pdf

Above, we learned about the necessary documents and expenses when registering a vehicle name.
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