전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

Transfer household reading statement
When making a real estate transaction, there are documents that must be submitted, such as a seal certificate, personal seal, withholding tax receipt, and moving-in household reading statement. Today, I would like to post about one of these, how to issue a transfer household reading statement. The moving-in household reading statement is a document that allows you to check whether there is a household that has been reported for moving into the house you want to view. Usually, a moving-in household reading statement is required for reasons such as sales contracts, charter fraud prevention, and participation in auctions. The biggest reason to check the moving-in household reading statement is to check whether there is a household that has moved in before the person himself/herself when analyzing rights. If the house goes to auction and wins, dividends are paid according to the amount. When this dividend is paid, it is paid according to the ranking, and this ranking can be thought of as assigning priority to those who have transferred first. The reason why the seniority is important is that the lower the priority, the higher the probability that you will not get your deposit back. Therefore, when transacting real estate, it is important to have a good grasp of the information of the owner and mover of the house through the reading of the moving-in household reading statement and the certified copy of the register. In the case of the moving-in household reading statement, it is not possible to issue it online, and it is only possible to issue it in person. If you read today’s post and familiarize yourself with the materials to be issued, the subject of issuance, and the place of issuance of the transfer household reading statement, you will be able to save time without wasting your time. 전입세대 열람내역서 발급

전입세대 열람내역서 발급


How to issue a moving-in household reading statement 좋은뉴스

How to apply for the moving-in household reading statement

Issuance of transfer households and subjects that can be viewed
Homeowners (can be issued)
Owner’s Agent (Issuable)
Contractor (can be issued)
Tenant (can be issued)
Auction participant (view only)
Appraiser (view only)
Credit information service provider (view only)
In addition, when a financial company, etc. sets up a mortgage for a collateral house, it can be viewed when an execution officer requests it in accordance with a court status investigation order. However, only the owner, lessee, or contractor can issue the moving-in household reading statement.




Materials to be issued and read
home owner
Identification card (resident registration card, driver’s license, passport, youth card, national merit card, disability registration card)
owner’s agent
owner seal certificate
owner’s identification
power of attorney
agent’s identification
Auction site output data
newspaper notice
appraisal request
credit information company
Lease Information Investigation Request Form
Credit Information Investigation Request Form

Issuance place and procedure
The moving-in household reading statement can be issued not only from the resident center that has jurisdiction over the resident registration address in which the person is currently registered, but also from other regional resident centers. Check the target that applies to you, pack the necessary items, and visit the nearest community center. When you visit the community center, take a numbered ticket first, follow the instructions of the public official in your order, show your ID card and contract, and then fill out the application form for the confirmation of moving in. There is an issuance fee, so bring a card or cash.