제로페이 사용법 Summary of how to use Biffle Zero Pay (benefit, registration method, payment method, where to use)

제로페이 사용법I would like to introduce how to use ‘Zero Pay’, which was launched as a simple mobile payment service for small businesses.

Zero Pay is a method of reducing the burden of merchant fees by allowing direct payment between accounts through the QR code method. In other words, it is a method of transferring money between accounts without going through a credit card company or a VAN company in the middle, so the fee is 0%!

From the consumer’s point of view, the advantages of using Zero Pay are:
The biggest benefit is the tax deduction benefit. Even if you do not request a cash receipt at the time of payment, you can receive income deduction as it is processed automatically computerized. (40% for small business merchants, 30% for general merchants) The deduction rate of general credit cards is 15%, compared to 30% for debit cards, the income deduction rate of Zero Pay is higher

Now, let’s find out how to use Biffle Zero Pay.

1. Go to the App Store and search for ‘Biffle Zero Pay’ > Click [Download] to download
How to use Biffle Zero Pay

2. When you download the app for the first time, there are things you need to agree to for authentication + use of personal information. Then just follow along.
How to use Biffle Zero Pay

3. Click [More] at the bottom > Click the [Settings] icon at the top (see image)

How to use Biffle Zero Pay

How to use Biffle Zero Pay

4. Receive notification notification from the registered account bank

5. You can pay with [Home] > [Zero Pay Payment from Account] > [QR Code] or [Bar Code] at the bottom.

How to use Biffle Zero Pay

Please read the [Account Usage Guidelines]

How to use Biffle Zero Pay

Finding merchants that can use Zero Pay is simple.

How to use Biffle Zero Pay

In addition, you can purchase and pay for ‘Local Gift Certificate’ or ‘Onnuri Gift Certificate’ on the Biffle Zero Pay application.

Learn more about how to use Biffle Zero Pay.
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