주거급여 신청자격 및 신청방법 (feat.총정리) Housing benefit application qualifications and application method (feat. Summary)

The housing benefit system that supports housing expenses for low-income families is a benefit that can receive up to KRW 751,000. If you live on a monthly or charter basis, you will be burdened by the ever-increasing housing costs.



Housing benefit – How to apply

In order to relieve some of this burden, the government provides housing allowances according to income conditions. It is recommended that you check the eligibility and how much support you can receive before applying.


What is the housing benefit support system?
As the existing basic livelihood security system was reformed, it is a cash support project designed to support housing expenses for the low-income class by comprehensively considering income/housing type/housing cost burden level.


주거급여 신청자격

주거급여 신청자격


Housing benefit-support system

There are two major changes made by the reform of the basic livelihood security system.


1. Expansion of support targets

2. Realization of payment amount


First of all, the expansion of the support target and the increase in the amount of payment means that more and more people can receive more support, so it is better to check if you are eligible for application.


Qualifications for Housing Allowance
Eligible applicants must be eligible for housing benefit support.


The recipients of support are calculated by comprehensively reflecting the income and assets of the applicant household, regardless of the income and assets of the person responsible for support.



Housing Benefit – Qualifications for Application
It can be a bit confusing, so let’s give an easy example. Even if the income of one member of a household of 4 is higher than the standard, if the total income of the 4-person household meets the standard, it is eligible for support.


Eligibility: Households whose recognized income is less than 47% of the standard median income

Recognized income: Income assessment + property’s income conversion amount

Category Median Income 47%
One-person household KRW 976,609
2-person household KRW 1,624,393
3-person household KRW 2,084,364
4-person household KRW 2,538,453
5-person household KRW 2,975,423
6-person household KRW 3,397,151

Those who want to check the exact amount of recognized income and application qualifications can check whether they are eligible by checking My Home housing benefit conditions.


Go to My Home Housing Benefit Self-diagnosis Check


Check housing benefit support amount
Housing benefit support is divided into two types: tenant support and self-support.


1. Subsidize the cost of renting on a monthly basis

Rent households living in someone else’s house can receive subsidies for actual rent up to the standard rent.

Housing benefit – support amount – selection criteria
– If the recipient’s recognized income exceeds the livelihood benefit selection criteria, the self-pay portion is deducted.

– If the salary calculation amount is less than 10,000 won, 10,000 won is paid.

– If the actual rent exceeds 5 times the standard rent by region, the minimum payment amount of KRW 10,000 is paid.

– If there is no rental contract or the actual rental fee is 0 won, it is excluded from payment.


1.1 Criteria for selecting recipients of livelihood and housing benefits

Classification Livelihood Allowance Housing Allowance
Single-person households 623,368 976,609
2-person household 1,036,846 1,624,393
3-person household 1,330,445 2,084,364
4-person household 1,620,289 2,538,453
5-person household 1,899,206 2,975,423
6-person household 2,168,394 3,397,151

1.2 The standard rent is calculated according to the region and the number of household members in consideration of the minimum housing standard.

standard rent

For more accurate information and standard rental rates outside the metropolitan area, please check the My Home Housing Welfare Rental Support Guidelines.


Go to My Home Housing Welfare Rental Household Support Guidelines


2. Self-Housing Support

In the case of a household owned by a person who owns a house, etc., and lives in the house, the house’s deterioration can be evaluated and comprehensive home improvement support can be provided.


For the disabled and seniors aged 65 and over, support benefits are added to install additional convenience facilities for the disabled within the limit of KRW 3.8 million for the disabled and KRW 500,000 for the elderly.


Own household – support process

For more detailed information on self-family support, please check My Home Self-Family Support Guidelines.


Go to My Home Self-Family Support Guidelines


How to apply for housing benefit


You can apply for housing benefit in person or through the Internet application for welfare.


1. Resident Registration

Check the nearest administrative welfare center


2. Online application through welfare

Go to Welfare-Ro homepage


* Information on required documents

1) Application for social security benefits

2) Income and Property Declaration

3) Agreement to provide financial information, etc.

4) Lease agreement, confirmation of use loan

5) Copy of bankbook, ID


1) ~ 3) can be filled out in the form provided in the Administrative Welfare Center.


For other detailed information on housing benefits, you can contact the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s call center at 1599-0001 or the housing benefit call center at 1600-0777.