주택연금 수령액 Housing pension > Housing pension payment > Payment method and payment amount > Payment method (main text) | Easy-to-find lifestyle law information

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Payment method
A method of receiving monthly retirement living funds while the homeowner is alive.
A method in which the homeowner frequently withdraws funds within the withdrawal limit set within 50% of the mortgage retirement pension loan limit and receives the remaining portion as retirement living funds every month while alive.
Loan repayment method
A certain amount for the purpose of repaying the balance of the amount borrowed by the homeowner using the home as collateral within 90% of the mortgage reverse annuity loan limit, or for returning the rental deposit to the lessee of the home according to the lease contract for the home. A method in which you receive a monthly payment and the remaining portion is paid as retirement funds every month while you are alive.
preferential treatment
preferential treatment
If the homeowner or spouse is a basic pension recipient (age 65 or older) and owns only one home worth less than KRW 150 million for a married couple, retirement living funds receive up to approximately 23% preference over the whole life method while the homeowner is alive. How to get paid monthly
preferential treatment
If the homeowner or spouse is a basic pension recipient (age 65 or older) and owns only one home worth less than KRW 150 million for a married couple, the withdrawal limit set within 45% of the mortgage reverse pension loan limit can be used at any time. A method in which the remaining portion is paid monthly as retirement living funds, which is preferential over the whole life method, while the homeowner is alive.
Payment method
A method in which retirement funds are paid monthly for a certain period of time selected by the homeowner.
A method in which the homeowner frequently draws up the withdrawal limit within 50% of the mortgage retirement pension loan limit and receives the remaining portion as retirement living funds every month for a certain period of time.

※ The 50% withdrawal limit includes an amount equivalent to 5% of the loan limit that must be set for use only for medical expenses, mortgage housing management expenses, etc. after the end of the monthly payment period, and the remainder can be selected by the individual within 45%. So I decided
Payment method
10 years in prison
15 years in prison
20 years in prison
25 years in prison
30 years in prison
Target age
(Among couples
(based on young people)
65-74 years old
60-74 years old
55-68 years old
55-63 years old
55-57 years old
Payment type
Semen type
A method of fixing the monthly payment at a certain amount for the life of the guarantor and spouse.
The initial monthly payment is less than the fixed amount and increases by 3% every 12 months.
The initial monthly payment is higher than the fixed amount and decreases by 3% every 12 months.
Front and rear thin type
The monthly payment is higher than the fixed amount for 10 years from the date of first principal debt execution, and is paid at 70% of the initial monthly payment from the 11th year onwards.
Initial increase type
The monthly payment is higher than the fixed amount for a certain period of time (selection of 3, 5, 7, or 10 years) from the date of first execution of the main debt, and thereafter, it is paid at 70% of the initial monthly payment.
Regular increase type
The monthly payment on the date of first payment is less than the fixed amount and increases by 4.5% every 36 months.

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